Sunday, July 30, 2006

I Have New Whiteheads On My Stomach

Veleta Elorrieta


Again we come to the area now known as the Hostels, Hoya de la Mora (at 2,500 m altitude) to attack the third highest peak Iberian Peninsula, the vane with its 3,394 m. and your neighbor's permission Mulhacén dwelling, also in our Sierra Nevada, and Aneto, beyond the Pyrenees, and today was, as always, so close yet so high (as is required mandate, so by the law of the mountain.)
This time with me and Jesus Miguel Angel, medium and small in this house, as a cold Nieves walked over to the Depth of drops, the last moon back in March.
It's 8:10 am when nothing else get off the car and started walking, the temperature was already 19 degrees, when we fear the obvious, that the heat would accompany us throughout the morning. Luckily the wind now prevailing in these altitudes made the rope loosened a bit and not take us to "waters", such as wide as the pack and start back where you soak the backs.
set off in the direction of SE, and all uphill and with an eye on the north face of Vane, it seemed that the goal here would run cooler.
The increase must be very quiet because its duration (about two hours and a quarter, two hours), and especially in its final stretch, is especially hard by the lack of oxygen added and because we are winning height, millimeter by millimeter.
route presents no technical difficulties, but it requires great physical effort that we must be prepared, even us out of the sleeve such alkaline batteries that last and last and last as long as the rabbit that ad and still have that is neither early retirement ...
The route is well marked, as the path, now no snow, no one who says he has not seen, although it was doing the drunk. Leaving the
Monument Virgen de las Nieves and the vicinity of the Landmark Wheat (old observatory), cross the Glacier of Cauchiles , countless times across the paved road. This same string leads to the Veleta positions where There are ruins of buildings, a rain gauge and a great view of the north face of the vane and Corrales. Those positions we past a viewpoint with stunning views of the Corral del Veleta, the exact point where it begins the famous "Veredón" that starting the Corral del Veleta leads to the Laguna de la Mosca, on the north side of Mulhacen.
continue the march, leaving these cuts to our left, just before a crossroads (though they are now two dirt tracks) go back to trochar a bit more if possible, by the path that passes near the last stand track header of the latter existing lift. The trail, now in its final stretch, the heaviest of all, it serves the summit of Veleta on a silver platter but with tongue out and giving these sips air fills the lungs you exhausted and a stop after another, every ten minutes or whatever it takes, revive you immediately. Coronado
Veleta summit, about 10:20 pm, at 3,394 m. and looking like a swarm of antennas and a small building the largest disfigure. The wind again is unbearable and the trig point serves as a tie because if not, the Corral del Veleta we'd gone all to stop and the air ...
Here you can almost touch the clouds, and blue is as pure as the silence speaks ... Views also are impressive and dominion over all the high peaks of Sierra Nevada are as our companions and we dejándonoslos eyes widen like saucers. We emphasize the north face of vane which sighted and below with his Corral of the same name but now look up and down, and where there are perpetual snow drifts; remains of what was an impressive back in the Quaternary glacier. We also note the majestic river gorge Guarnón that starts from this Corralón for later, giving her the Genil waters. As background also spotted Loma del Calvario.
Its south face, softer and less harsh and sharp, gives us the panoramic postcard Tajo de los Machos, Los Scrapes Rio Seco, Mulhacén and the majestic Citadel in the background. South
On this side, known as "blanket" is to descend in the direction of the Refuge Carihuela. Below we see the Laguna de Aguas Verdes, facing the impressive Tajos of Our Lady, Refuge Elorrieta, and right beyond the Tozal the Carthusian, Upper Cuts and the Cerro del Caballo.
Just before the first peaks of these Tajos of the Virgin, take a lane to the right and descends steeply (only we lacked the wings to check) and ensuring and ensuring every step, because the slabs are going downhill We deposited in Lagunillas of the Virgin. Today, the borreguiles were greener than ever, even more on the color of hope, and where their pastures, which had been taken by cattle remain wet all year. Also sighted during the trip, and as is so common as a herd of goats. As for the flora out of the Snow Star (Plantago nivalis), foxglove (Digitalis purpurea ), Dog's Tooth (Arenaria pungens Clement), Brad the Sierra Nevada (Erodium petraeum ) whose flower has five white petals, although two of them have a blackish spot at the base. Its fruits are elongated and ends in a point, falling on the earth turning slowly sink into it and hence its name, which also are called " clocks" and that Sierra Nevada Thyme (Thymus serpylloides) with its characteristic pink color of its flowers.
From here we went to the Laguna de las Mares , today with a deep blue color, pulling the exact copy of the sky. We walk, first with the borreguiles delighting where river Dílar to crown then Collado de las Yeguas. To our left is the "mushroom or sartenón" White Centre. Crossing tracks diagonally, passing under some lifts, we left the station Borreguiles . We see in the distance the car parked there in the area of \u200b\u200bthe hostels and make us foot water, while the latter effort is now dragging. The wind rises again in this area Cauchiles . Once again we pass under the Monument to the Virgen de las Nieves, right behind us and our former Wheat Cairn Observatory, noting that has been taken by a crowd of trippers and many foreigners who roam near the parking .
and end point of this beautiful place early-morning and again in Sierra Nevada. The car, because we knew a hot tub. Because it was warm, if it was warm and just set to the "summer", no longer we remembered .... As proof, those 24 sessions, at 13 hours, a clear outside and just in time to embark for home.
As usual some pictures for remembrance and hope of being able to perform in as many times (it's a good sign that both legs still work and walk). But for now, with his mind set on the next Saturday, August 5, to crown the Mulhacén, on the day of the Patron. Until next time and as always if dq and legs with us.
-Itinerary: Granada, Km.35, 5 Carretera de Sierra Nevada in the vehicle. Hostels, Virgen de las Nieves, Cauchiles Standings del Veleta, Pico del Veleta - Lagunillas de la Virgen, Laguna de las Mares, Boreguiles, Cauchiles, Hostels.
-Number of participants: 3
-Difficulty: Medium
-Duration: 5 hours
-Water: streams and frills of the Lagunillas area - Lake of the Mares - Borreguiles.

Sunday, July 16, 2006

How To Evolve Eevee Into Leafeon Pokemon Indigo

Elorrieta SHELTER

is seen and found that when the heat in Granada, there is nothing better to crush a good tour of the high peaks of Sierra Nevada. And my witness that made the 15th day Sunday, July 16th day of the Virgen del Carmen, at 8:15 am when we started this route in the area of \u200b\u200bHostels - Hoya de la Mora to 2,500 m. altitude, the point where we parked the car because it will not let you upload more than four wheels and engines uphill, to go to the Refuge Elorrieta, who at 3,197 m. is the highest in Spain, owing its name to a former Director General of Forests, Mr. Octavio Elorrieta. Shelter that was built between 1931 and 1933 under an ambitious project (had a generator for lighting, heating and water system), but because of the weather (strong winds in winter and temperatures contrasts summer), the passage of time and the hand of man, which happened all dry like a horse Attila, I have left on the sorry state it is today. Constructively speaking consists of two parts, a domed outside and a rock-cut where there are several galleries. Total
that once again we turn to the legs to lead us, as the law of the walking boss, a loose leg and one eye on the Veleta (with an eye on the north face court seems that we playing with his hands) and now SE direction. We continue along the path that goes across the road several times after leaving behind the cairn Wheat (old observatory) and the Monument Virgen de las Nieves, we reached a crossroads, Area Cauchiles call. To our left would climb to the Veleta and right, which is what we take, to the ski resort of Borreguiles.
Shortly after taking the paved road to the left leaves a trail well marked and direction S.SE. and a gentle climb, gaining altitude gradually leads, passing first between a high wooden fences, to the ski station of the Borreguiles.
Reaching the first ski, a little sheepish look, is the source of the river Monachil (a few frills) and stones running down, for once tubing, going to the track River and head Pradollano Station, where he will collect the toll of human contamination. But hey, we just passed by and greet so as to encourage him what was coming. We are located at the beginning of the Dílar Hill and Loma de la Mojonera.
With an eye to the Collado de las Yeguas (white left behind Observatory and the latest high wooden fences), we went to him, if winter trying not to interfere with skiers (the that we / they bring) and cross the tracks diagonally between artificial snow cannons and below some chairlifts today and see that they were working to bring people to the highest clouds.
From this point, the mares del Collado, and we spent about an hour from start to meet, take a wide track, which begins with a gentle descent, and a quarter of an hour leads directly to the Laguna de las Mares, where the hand of man has become more of a reservoir for its own use and example of what not to do ever have with nature (as shooting him at close range I mean.) But today was cleaner waste than the last time we visited, back in May 21, which also must be said if We were listening party responsible. Before coming to the Laguna de las Mares, first crossed the tracks of the "Trout" and "Borreguiles" and an outpouring of crystal clear: the birth of Dílar river.
then and now in this pond, after taking breath, a sip of water, some energy supplies and those snapshots obliged, southward climb up a steep trail, which runs between Cascajal, to arrive, after another fifteen minutes, the Lagunillas of the Virgin, where its waters now reflected to the high Tajos of the Virgin (in these Tajos have appeared the Virgin of the Snows on 5 August 1717 to benefit from Valor and his servant). These pits are located in the Circus Dílar on the remains of an ancient and magnificent glacier, showing here a characteristic specimen of the moraine landscape. We left the Lagunillas
our left to attack by a marked path that, after a continuous weaving and saving at some point some of those thick Tajos fallen rock in the gravel pit area known as the Friar of Capileira , so called because his silhouette is visible from this location alpujarreña leaves us in the Refuge Elorrieta, after an hour's walk from the Lagunillas of the Virgin, and is located in the Nevero Cuts at the beginning of the Loma de Canar. Shelter that was destroyed during the English Civil War and rebuilt by the EMF which was transferred and which, incidentally, has no such minimum labor necessary for normal maintenance operation. Anyway, now go get the direct responsibility that would convince him to give at least five thousand coats of paint, one on the outside and the rest inside. Because if we speak of Ferrovial, of works, to return what the vandals ripped off (because that is another, that after we complain ...)
But if we avert our eyes from the refuge, from this elevation of three thousand, the views are spectacular. Bottom right, we can see the head of the Valley Lake Lanjarón with the same name in its infancy, beyond the fund Bolaños and Laguna Square, all providers Lanjarón River. They also highlight the high peaks of the Carthusian Tozal (3152 m) and Upper Cuts (about 3,100 m) to fund the Cerro del Caballo (3,005 m) have the Tajos front of Male, a great name and as well as Loma view Spike and Teatino Meadows. If we rotate the view to the left, we find the majestic Mulhacén (with its 3,482 m) and the summit of Veleta (3394 m) and newly raised, including Vacares strut, standing on tiptoe and as if to show their heads.
The truth is that Sierra Nevada without white pearl is different (to the snow I mean), but it continues to be less beautiful. His majesty remains and that compliment is what renews us to attack a thousand times, and up and up to pay those honors they deserve.
For wildlife, it sighted yet another group of mountain goats, and flora, as always, first-person highlighting the Star of the Snow, and that part of the Lagunillas borreguiles of the Virgin where flowering was everywhere.
's return can do for the same road that brought us (which is what we take), or through the edge of the Virgin Tajos to head to the Refuge Carihuela or "cylinder" and from there to the shelters, although I must say that this version is a bit more difficult because in some places there to lend a hand even to the fingers. Not to mention the added difficulty of winter snow and ice, the worth keeping the respect they deserve, to give this another example of that nature is so generous as a creditor. But I always enjoy it, from head to toe that's about it. And if not, see the 19 th we had about 13:30 hours on our return to the lodge where we had a beer as cold as a blonde and it tasted heavenly glory, here already, with his feet on the ground. And so you know, it was only one and half, which removes white hen-points are flying.
As always leave some photos to remember and if anyone wants to continue these humble steps. And if you serve something ... because we had a few beers in a collision and the debt will be repaid immediately.

-Route: Granada, Km.35, 5 Carretera de Sierra Nevada in the vehicle. Hostels, Virgen de las Nieves, Cauchiles, Borreguiles, Laguna de las Mares, Lagunillas of Our Lady, Refuge Elorrieta.
-Number of participants: 2
-Difficulty: Medium / Low
-Length: Rise 2 h. 30 '- back by same route: 2 hours 15 '
-Water: streams and frills.

Monday, July 3, 2006

Front Brakes Suzuki Vinson


could say that thanks to the destiny we could make this wonderful journey from Jerez Marquesado to Trevélez, about joining the Rock of Chancla Veloz. We made contact through my cousin Antonio and because he was playing, and playing tighten the legs and sleep rough under the stars, here in Sierra Nevada. Well
herding, which is gerund and the illusion is cool. About the time we got in touch and stay to meet and discuss the itinerary. The thing was as it was and we could not refuse the invitation and open arms and promised evidence that the most gratifying thing. Overall, we joined providing for the entry to us without pensárnoslo Peña and stayed for this, his fourth voyage, and this year I played I mention below to enjoy the memory and tranquility of the steps. And until the next stay, as recorded in the minutes. Leaving
18 components, all "proper uniform" and thanks to sponsor sponsor (an ear for that Juanma and one for the guides) Saturday July 1 at 8:15 am by minibus from Granada, chartered for the occasion in Jerez direction of the Marquis, with two previous stops on the itinerary. The first and removes points Release the white hen that nearly cost him the driver because the policeman stopped us for going too slowly (if the bus could not handle the bags or with so much hope in the face). And the second to take us in that piece Diezma big breakfast. From here all the Marquis continued to Jerez and a little labia to the driver pulled the detail up until we got on track near the start of rush toward the shelter of Postero Alto and Ballesteros. After the stop
corresponding burden of backpacks on their shoulders, collecting sticks, a tightening and a loosening of straps and legs, photo de rigueur for the press and the family, since we started the march from Recreation Area to hell (to 1,465 m), and it was decided instead of going through the firewall behind us and heading towards the Lodge, a little further down the bus and leave us at this recreational area located the ravine of Alcazar, located at the confluence of the Verde River and the stream of Sabinal, with the idea, but we lost a little height, attack by the dense mass of pines, with their corresponding shadows and continue upstream (the then we would face the front) to the vicinity of the Port of Trevélez, which could leave to our left. First going through hell, of course, under this effort moves us and encourages, but as you said our wise sayings, "like non-itchy scabies" while I add ... Hang on to the path that now is all uphill!
During the ascent, which would be the highlight of the day (on a 7 ½ hours on a peak of about 3,101 m.), we leave behind our right of Porterillo Refuge, the ruins of the Red Box , the Stone of Thieves and Brook ravine Alhorí and the Marquis Jerez always behind us
When you reach a plateau, and surpassed in just the Port of Trevélez we left on our left, the eye candy that nature offers us, from this height of three thousand, is impressive. To our left is the Cerro Pelado Horcajo- with 3,182 m., on our right and bottom, as close as huge as the cornerstone of Vacares, The Citadel, The Mulhacén, and Veleta. And with that last breath and what you get behind the effort we put on what we like, from here, in sharp drop between slabs and a desire to arrival to Juntilla Lagoon (2931 m.) where we would spend night. Night certainly did not hit your eye or stones, and a wind that is why you do not hold twist. This gap, as most of the Sierra Nevada, is of glacial origin and is in the beginning of the river of the same name later joins the ass of the Dog River to form the river Trevélez.
The next day we broke camp. After counting: two stores badly wounded, some had to be volatilized Esterillos pick them a mile away at least and some outerwear and other debris that could have been left to join the "bio" Juntilla river if we had not gone to his fishing. But are good things in nature that after one remembers and recalls so pleasantly as they pass. And as the theme, go to the tractor T-shirts yellow and sponsored us Juanma home: "With what he would be comfortable on the couch." But nothing to walk that is healthier and there are no remote. We started the morning walk
of July 2 downhill and as a gift and how nice reward for the left bank of the river face value and as the law of gravity rules. Of course, some touched the ground by the strong prevailing wind (still running those hurricanes).
Soon, the height of the strut Vacares, take the canal of the same name and continuing we to Cortijo de las Jesusa (Cortijo of Mimbres for the locals because it is surrounded by four large wicker) and where we see a nice view of the Alcazaba. Here we had planned to camp, have lunch and spend the night, but the grass Subway (groomed and pointing at his face), water coming down everywhere, it advised against immediately. So for these cases took hold once more to chance, opting to continue ravine down to the confluence of the River Juntilla Port (known as the Horcajo ) and where we find the remains of ancient farms with was appropriate to continue after the river downstream of Trévelez (called as well, from the union of the two) and find a good area for lunch and free water. But how much water ... How much water, since it is in the Alpujarra area!
After lunch and a siesta we continue the march. The first site free of moisture was ours for camping and we spend the night there, sleeping like God intended. Total already near Trevélez (about two hours) and the right bank of the river, we decided to set camp for the evening was over.
the night, for the better, for everyone. Wind and ran no longer jokes, tea Martini flavored, soup "instant" and some other developed and invented fell like flies home to meet us. Backpacks first, had to leave empty and out. The weight is still measured in kilograms and had to lighten the load.
The next day, July 3, and my forty-all on your back, after the singing of happy birthday, I was thrilled that one never knows until you get that song, because they broke camp and all with the mind set on Trevélez. Well rather in these beers from a pitcher and we knew as a shipwrecked raft. People is achieved, but not before savoring the sight, hearing and smell and through a beautiful path that runs between rich and lush vegetation, flowing into the area known as Mill Altero. Hence a red track of land in ten minutes we left in midtown, right on the Plaza de la Iglesia de Trevélez. I have finally
highlight the most characteristic flora and we find us on this journey: the Estrella de las Nieves (Plantago nivalis) , the carnivorous Tiraña (Pinguicula nevadensis), the Evergreen (Sempervivum minutum) to the verge of burst into flower, violet (Viola crassiuscula) and the area of \u200b\u200bSierra Nevada, wild orchids (Dactylorhiza elata), thyme in flower with the pink foxglove, were our companions for the whole course. The fauna, as some beautiful specimens of the Sierra Nevada Apollo (Parnassius apollo nevadensis) by hands, other mountain goat sighting at dawn providing water in the Lagoon of face value, a huge boar ravine below the saddle, as cows everywhere Peter for his house and a flock of sheep at home.
And I said, that thank you very much everyone: Pepe, Emily, Julio, Jose, Fernando, Juan Fran, Puri, Clara, Juanma, Juli, Rafa, Manolo, Maria Angeles and Montserrat, for those hours, those two nights and three days full of joy and laughter. On behalf of my cousin Antonio and Maria Angeles, my wife and me ("the four agregaos the gazpacho"), until next we meet. And call me or any other thing you can think of. Or if you want to do the fifty lakes of Sierra Nevada in an hour and a day that we signed up for the shower. Everything is to get those quick flip flops again and again to tell.
As always leave some photos to remember and recount that were there and we had to fear. Whenever it halfway to come.