Thursday, December 3, 2009

The Bait Bus Blog Stream


I remember very well. I was a baby boy. 6 or 7 rings. It was in the winter of 57. The case is that one day fell Nevazo tremendous. Was not never seen anything like it and since then ... not. Imagine, Armilla remained incommunicado for two or three days ... cut roads, rail tracks with a meter or more of snow on top. I remember the elderly with shovels in front of the doors, making ways to get out of the houses. For children was extraordinary. Almost festive. Everything was white and different and I still seem to feel that immense silence that gives the snow, which sound like muffled sounds, the dark and dirty ... and people cleared then a pretty picture seems very far away, Central cold countries. At night the "show" was even more impressive because Armilla streets, like all other peoples, are sparingly lit with a dim bulb in the corner of every street, so with the snow, the silence and darkness ... you can imagine!

What it reminded me more strongly, I think it was yesterday, was when a group of zagalones 14 or 15 years (also had, I remember, some older) they decided to make a snowball. The train started up there in front of the headquarters of aviation. Then they began to shoot down the road. Then the ball grew and grew. It was a huge area that increasingly larger and larger running was done on the road. I remember running happily after the great white ball, to bequeath to the corner of Granada, splat!, Crashed and jumped into a thousand pieces cold.

The fact noted in all Armilla and I'm sure more than one reading these lines, remember that. From that giant ball growing faster than me, now and despite giving away the years, I see again down the road, turning imposing.
Look, this story, remember the fact that time has gotten me back to find the child that was me then. With this child we all have inside and now is here with me, watching, amazed and happy, the magic ball that rolls and rolls.

- July Selection Catalá memories. ______________________________________________

Captions: ONE PHOTO Armilla Neighbours in the middle of the road the day of heavy snowfall. In the center, in July, the article's author as a child.
- PHOTO TWO: armilleros Group next to the bust sculpted by José Aguilera Guerrero ("The saints") can be seen in the background the tram station.
