Thursday, April 21, 2011

Lowlights With Wella Koleston Special Blonde



Language Language is the set of words with which individuals of a people communicate with each other. It is said that a major identity cards of a group of people is their language. Whether we speak of languages \u200b\u200bspoken by millions of people, and Castilian or English, or dialects used by tribal groups to describe the wonders of everyday life, language is the tool that has given the human superiority over other species, transmit knowledge to enable a person to another or others.

every language rules contained in two disciplines are intertwined: the spelling and grammar. The spelling is concerned with the provision the signs of language-the letters and their modifiers, as the accent, the point, the comma-for the correct understanding of words, and ultimately respect to written language, the second is more complex because the relationship dictates between words to produce the sentence, the written version of our ideas, and concerns both the spoken and the written language.

spelling and grammar, then, the skeleton of the language. Are formally established by students of the language, but actually have its justification in the way people talk. Throughout the centuries, the language experience a true process of evolution that speech is fed the common man rather than the rules dictated by the philologists. The language mutates constantly changes its shape, because people enriched by adding words or by combining existing words imported from other languages \u200b\u200band sometimes even replacing words that are ignored by others that only have meaning for a group, a family or to for a single individual. Paradoxically, this process is often commonly referred to with the word degeneration.

Our language is English or Castilian if we consider the claim that reminds us that our language was born in the former province of Castilla. Evolved from the mixture afforded by many successive invasions of the Peninsula Ibérica, where today are the nations of Spain and Portugal. In order to lay the groundwork for what we know today as our language, it was necessary that the Romans took in possession of the peninsula in 218 BC, long before conquered by the Carthaginians. The Romans imposed a new name for the former Iberia, which became known as Hispania, and as expected, having been the attitude in the other conquered peoples, also imposed their language, Latin. This was made for mass use in the region and disappeared in a relatively short time all the Iberian languages, except Basque, which still is used today. Latin

would also disappear, because over the centuries the language also underwent the same transformation process which necessarily have to spend all human language. At first it was amended by the Iberian languages \u200b\u200bthat tried to replace, and the Romans established on the peninsula took a different accent to the original. The Latin spoken in the region gradually lost the use that gave fyv points, and articulated than the letter s. The f America, used as the initial letter of many words, became the h we know today. Words such as child and to their peers from Latin filium and facere.

These changes, originally due to popular usage of the language, became over time in major cracks in the way different peoples conquered by Rome all ended up speaking Latin. The original language remained unchanged, tied to their spelling and grammar rules with which even today is taught academically. But the language spoken in the street by merchants and farmers fed the peculiarities of each region and gave birth to several would be called Romance languages: Castilian, French, Italian, Portuguese, Romanian, Catalan and other less known as the Dalmatian-now-dead language, Sardinian or Provencal. These languages \u200b\u200bstarted their own development processes, freely, from the V century, when down the Western Roman Empire. In 415 AD

come to the mainland one hundred thousand Visigoths, who had the most advanced civilization Germanic. The influence of culture in our language was relatively small because more than a century remained reluctant to make contact with other nearby towns. Of them retain some words that automatically recognize today as ours and never think from the current German roots, and pride, clothing, garb and war.

In 622 the Muslim prophet Mohammed launches his people to a holy war in order to implement the doctrine of Allah as contained in the Koran. Muslims were warriors fierce and soon came to dominate large areas, penetrating even in Europe. In the Iberian Peninsula in 711 and came in a few years they completed the process of conquest of all its peoples, except for a small Christian book hidden in the northern mountains. These Christians would undertake a process called Reconquista, which got his goal after only eight centuries and whose heroic character is the famous Cid, Ruy (Rodrigo) Díaz de Vivar.

These eight years of Arab domination of English culture gave much of the elements that make up today. There was a period of continuous war and in times of relative peace were increased relations between the English and Arabic. There were groups of Arabs living between the English and vice versa as well as individuals of both peoples who embraced the religion of that history had placed as an adversary. The strong Arab influence that resulted from these relationships worked well in the language. This is how the vast majority of the names we use who were born in English-speaking countries have Arabic roots, and a high percentage of our words, especially those that start with the letter a, come directly from Arabic: mason, arroba, meatball, syrup, sales taxes, village.

La Reconquista was not an easy process, but do not wait long before earning his first victory, which was the establishment of the kingdom of Asturias in 718, after Don Pelayo defeated the Moors at Covadonga. The Christians were gradually regaining the territories that the Arabs had taken from them. By the end of the eleventh century, the province of Castilla, created after their territories were independent of dominance by the kings of Asturias and Leon, exercised political hegemony over other provinces Christian. Before Castile had been the main province of Navarre, formerly the Leon and Asturias much earlier. Each period was also the predominant language. Castilian was imposed when Castilla was able to reach the highest political importance, and finally began its evolution as a unifying language in regions where the Castilian kingdom fell to the Arabs of Granada and, moreover, gave new horizons English Christianity to annex the territories conquered in the Americas , both milestones in 1492.

the time it was reconquered Granada, Spain recovered and with it all, and the Castilian language was commonly used among the people and areas cultivated. In 1140 had already written the first great work in our language, the Song of the Cid, an epic poem that exalts the hero Rodrigo Diaz de Vivar. In the thirteenth century, the cult poet Gonzalo de Berceo, clergy educated in San Millán, challenged the use of Latin in the Church by writing his poetry in Castilian, language, and wrote, in which often the people "fable with, citizen." Around the same time, Alfonso X the Wise ordered the official use of Castilian in the drafting of public documents and historical records, work out above in Latin. This is recognized as the formal birth of the Castilian language.

The language and the writer

literary creation has been one of the most effective means for the dissemination of our language. In fact, it was long after the manipulation of language by ordinary people, the most influential factor in solidifying and dissemination of standards governing the language. Today, in addition to the literature and common speech, the language flows through the mass media and particularly in this decade begins to forget about borders to break large electronic networks led by Internet.
As the substance with which the writer works, it maintains a necessary connection with it. Although not a prerequisite for being a good writer, language proficiency provides a valuable weapon. It is not a prerequisite for several reasons, but particularly because the right way to write the words only covers the technical side of literature. The other elements of the literature does not directly depend on the language rules. The real importance of getting to know the language is the possibility of experiencing multiple forms of expressing feelings, narrating or describing the environment situations. For both sides, the ends are harmful: the writer who uses only creative factor at most be able to create material for reading for escape, for entertainment, which rests solely within the domain of language will become unbearable and his language is certainly far-fetched, the writer succeeds in establishing a linkage equilibrium between what he writes and how he writes, will be able to generate a set of interacting with their readers. This is, in our opinion, the best way of making literature.

In our time, Castilian has established itself as one of the major languages \u200b\u200bof the world. He taught at universities in English speaking countries and the disproportionate population growth in the Hispanic settlements in other horizons has unexpected weight to our language. However, this has turned into Castilian in a body of rules loaded not simple to learn, what are the difficulties caused by the very fact of being in constant evolution and boiling.

Our language, like several other Western languages, is based on twenty-six letters, we have here the letters ch and ll-and several punctuation marks. Each of these letters has its own rules of use, so do the signs. The letters give us the basic foundation of what is said and signs are switches that help to give the correct idea of \u200b\u200bthe tone in which words should be pronounced. The emphasis

The rules are simple to learn the accent. Accent is known as the sign that sits on some vowels to indicate a certain intonation of a word. But the real concept of stress is beyond the sign, branching academically orthographic accent, which is written, prosodic accent, simply focus on the intonation of a syllable. This is the most important to know, since learning to locate the syllable in which each word is pronounced with more emphasis provides the ability to know when the emphasis should be written and when not.

All words containing a syllable in the intonation should be higher. This happens because the dynamics that the language acquired in the speaker's mouth: it is unusual to say all the words in a monotone. The appearance of the orthographic accent, the little appendix we usually put on some vowels, is that, in the words you type, the intonation may take one or another meaning, or give real meaning in one case and annihilate any meaning in another. If we write pain anyone can understand, if we add an accent and type pain, and actually speak with greater emphasis on the first syllable, all significance disappears. When someone writes ended anyone can understand that something came to an end, if you type the term, the reference is to the very end, and no action to reach that end. If we understand these simple facts we have uncovered the first step to master the accent.

other hand, words are divided into syllables. The syllables are molecules of words. If we recall some foundations of physics, a molecule is the smallest particle that retains the existing elements in a substance. In the words there is an essential element: vowels. The consonants are a complement to the former, but not needed in all cases. The words that have only one vowel letter are all, as the conjunctions "or" and "e" or the preposition "a". Even if the letter "y", which can be used as a conjunction, it loses its feature of consonant when pronounced alone, recovering when the main part of a syllable, as in a helmet or leguleyo. So the location, in a word, syllables, is given by how the word is pronounced. There are minimal pauses, almost imperceptible, occurring as we speak, and are literally the boundaries between syllables. When we have doubts about the syllables that make up a particular word, they are dispelled when pronounced slowly. These boundaries appear neatly sensitive and takes the concept of syllable finally form. The words of our language are usually one, two or three syllables, being less frequent than four, five or more. Not so in other languages: German is nourished by the union of several words to create expressions that we would be very long. In Castilian, any known words of many syllables, a large percentage of them are compound words. Submarine, bittersweet, basically, and in general all the words that define how something happens, ending in "mind." We have already covered the second step.

If we listen, we can find, in every word we utter a syllable in which the voice rises a bit above the rest. To this the scholars have given syllable name, it is the syllable that carries the responsibility for determining the meaning of the word, so we discussed a few lines above. The difference syllable word which belongs to others with similar spelling. The successful location of the stressed syllable of a word is a necessary exercise to finish learning the rules of accentuation. In our language we raise the tone of most of the words in the last or penultimate syllable. If we review all the words ending in "ion"-action, organization, illustration, "or ending in" structure "-height, culture, polishing," we can get an idea of \u200b\u200bthe importance of this fact given the amount Word of this nature that we use daily. They are also very common, though in smaller numbers, words which is the penultimate syllable, as oval, rough, or syllable, and many verb forms when they vote in the second person, and use it, praise him or tie it. In our language, syllables are not used beyond the penultimate syllable, except in certain cases of compound words that, if properly analyzed, are a kind of double accent, as "especially" en cial and mental.

These differences between the position of the stressed syllable in each word occupies a classification allows for three types of words. In the words we speak with higher pitch on the last syllable is given the name of acute, those with this tone on the penultimate, bass (also known as "plain"); and those on the penultimate pitch, proparoxytone. Are sharp words and truck stop, but it is written with an accent and that not because we give them both more intonation on the last syllable. Are severe (flat), under the same conditions, the words pen and orchard. The proparoxytone, all proparoxytone, are written with an accent, so they are the easiest to spell. The same word is antepenultimate antepenultimate. The third step is covered.

But the problem with all this is not simply knowing what the stressed syllable of a word, but in knowing when the focus should be written. It is logical but not know which is the stressed syllable of the word "treatment" does not matter because that word has no accent spelling and no one will realize our ignorance. The fact is that words must lead orthographic accent and if you put bad or obvious, we not only betray our ignorance in front of those who do know the rules of accentuation, but also give a wrong idea of \u200b\u200bwhat we mean.

The presence of the orthographic accent is determined by the existence of certain features in the syllables that make up a word. In the case of sharp words, the easiest rule to remember is that every word which is stressed syllable the last, and end in a vowel, is written with an accent. This can be simplified as follows: every word ends in a vowel acute accent is written. That is why the words are emphasized peanuts, I cried and sharpened. The other rule concerning the words that every word sharp is sharp, and ending in "n" or "s" is written with an accent. The sharp words ending in r, as verbs, close, kill, rain-not with an accent, it does not end in "n" or "s". It is useful to know this, because they often make the mistake of writing "capable" when, not ending in n, s or vocal, not really wearing it. Many people, when you learn these two rules, he is surprised that something so simple be shunned consistently regarded very complex.

The serious case of words (plain) is opposite. The two rules that apply to the sharp words are a mirror when it comes to the serious (flat). In the words severe (flat), the rule of thumb is that any serious word (level) is written with an accent, unless it ends in a vowel, "n" or "s". Therefore, the accent is written in the words gun, pumice and lemur. Similarly, for the same reason, and contrary to what many people think, not emphasizing the word "canon". Nor are accented verb forms such as conducted, managed, arrived, many written accomplished, attained or arrive mainly because words are often confused with acute that if you emphasize, as realization.

Now that we understand these rules concerning the words high and low (flat), and recalling that absolutely all proparoxytone are written with an accent, we've already covered the fourth and most important step in learning the rules of accentuation.

The fifth and last step is referred to the exceptions. It's really complex, because most of the exceptions to these rules apply to specific cases and not always so clear. Generally, exceptions are given emphasis by the existence of words with two or more meanings. The words of this type are easier to recognize monosyllables. These usually are not emphasized, it is considered unnecessary to write the accent on a word consists only of one syllable. The word was, he gave and was not written with an accent, unlike what most people assume. Example take But a word "over", so writing, with emphasis refers to an addition or a greater amount of something. But when you write without an accent is a synonym, often used in literature, "but." The same happens with "you" (a second person pronoun as in "I give you a song") and the time of "tea" (drink). In words with more syllable, the clearest case is "only" (synonymous only) and solo (unaccompanied by any other person). Interrogative forms their accents also add to the words that they use "as" without an accent, is used to compare two or more elements (was red like blood), but when I typed "how", with the accent something is going to inquire. This is separate from that in prayer there are question marks: an accent spelling the word "how" in these cases: "How are you?" and "I'll tell you how I got here." Although the second sentence is not a question but a statement it contains an interrogative form. These same examples are valid for "who and who," when and where "," where and where "," what and who. "

's case because "it also presents some peculiarities worthy of study." Because "is a compound word, created by" and "the". When both are written together, "because" is a conjunction that precedes the reason or cause of something. We say, "we were late because there was so much traffic." Two words are joined by "because", the second an explanation of what happens in the first. But there is a case in which this word is written considerable, and it is when it works as a synonym for reason or motive. This tends to confuse people with the former sense, but in reality the difference is in the context of the sentence. "Why" accent is used, for example, in this case: "The teacher explained the reason for the low notes of the course." Which could not be confused under any circumstances, with a conjunction that precedes the reason or cause of something. Separated by "and" which "are used for other purposes. "Why" without an accent, is used to express the intention of something happening in a certain way. For example, you can use: "My best wishes for having a happy Christmas." Also, "The officer must ensure that compliance with the law." When you write "what" accent, serves as a form of a question to inquire the cause of something. As mentioned in the preceding paragraph, a sentence in interrogative form does not necessarily question marks. These are interrogative sentences, using "why", the following: "Why are you at this hour?" And "The Lord asks why there is room."

An exception should not be overlooked is that applied when the words this, this, that and their plural replace the subject in a sentence, with the express purpose of not reappointing the subject. Typically these words are not emphasized, "this" should be written without the accent in "this car is mine." But in this case: "There was a red and white car, this was the one I bought" the accent is written because "it" replaces the white car. Something similar happens with him and him: the first is written without an accent when it comes to item (the car) and with the accent when it replaces the subject (he arrived yesterday). We also note that with your (home) and you (you have something) and my (my notebook) and I (that is for me).

There are two important exceptions and deal with the serious words (flat). We have seen that they have no orthographic accent when they end in a vowel, in not s. To understand the next If you need to know which vowels are divided into two groups: open and closed vowels. The open is the a, e and o. The enclosures are i and u. When the word grave ends in two vowels, the first closed and second open, and the stressed syllable is closed, we write the accent. This is the case of "eating, sleeping or pick." The other major exception words that we discuss here is related to words that end in us being a consonant letter before them. For example, biceps or forceps. Although serious and ending in s, are heightened because the letter before the s is a consonant, both p.

Correct use of letters

The hardest part of spelling is to learn the correct use of each letter. Many of the letters of our alphabet have specific uses and although in principle should be applied much effort to learn these rules, after a while it becomes an interesting exercise as we see examples everywhere. The problem is that in our language there are letters that are pronounced very similar but used differently according to the environment in which they are embedded. Particularly in Latin America, has lost the difference between the pronunciation of the letters "c", "z" and "s" and the letters "b" and "v", and a case of "g" and the "j".

In the case of the c, z and s, it would be difficult for someone inexperienced to know if the word should be written pacer pacer, or Pazera Paser. To resolve this has created certain rules whose degree of difficulty is in abundance and not otherwise. We will cite here some of these rules for reference only:

The c: verbs with endings make, receive, and grant that, nouns ending in murder, Catholicism and larceny, some ending proparoxytones: accomplice, whale and lawful, many words ending in reasonable, prosecute, lazy, malicious, baldness, view the words that end in abundance, warning, the plural of Words ending in z: pencil, pencils, peace, peace.

The s: words that end in: a lot, Dante, moderation, despotism, crisis, the adjectives famous, decisive Nicaraguan feminine nouns ending in mayor, witch, endings of words as the conclusion, propulsion ; combinations incorporated in some inflected forms: waterfalls, covered; the words that contain the segment combinations, sign, and, of course, as final letter of the words most Spaniards. The

z derived from nouns in slam, molasses, cornfield, grassland, castizo, shed, drawbridge, pozuelo, pot, many sharp words as foreman, widowhood, worm, rice, arquebus inflections for verbs ending in Nazca, suffer, you know, I drive.

The h: when it comes to words starting with hyaline diphthongs, ice, bone, elusive, hyoid bone, in the words that begin as a human, horror, shoulder, in the words that begin with Greek roots, such as hippopotamus, hydrography hypertrophy, hypnotic, is maintained in the derivatives of words like car, threading, dizziness, rogue, craving, inhuman.

The b: Words ending in receiving, weak, nauseous, which combinations are hazy, profanity, cable; copretérito forms of first conjugation verbs such as begging, hechizábamos carried out, those that begin with the prefix bilingual bisector, cake, the words that begin with Buddhism, bubbles, search, the words that begin with object, abstracted.

The v: words that begin with drift, vertebrate, lobby, in the present indicative, subjunctive and the imperative of the verb to be, go, go and have: we, I, words preceded by the consonants n, dyb: invitation, warning, ignore, after deer, servant, service, divine, drawbridge, words ending in herbivore, misleading, substantive and adjectives in digs, including, cam, serious, negative, harmful, nine.

The g: Words ending in agency, urgent, words that begin with the prefix geo (earth): geography, geology, verbal infinitives ending er, go, how to choose, edit, predating regent, gesture on adjectives ending in the twentieth, trigesimal, firstborn octogenarians, in words that end like magic, praise, religion.

The j: nouns ending in gear, watches, counselor, foreign, in the past tense of the indicative and in the future and imperfect subjunctive of verbs bring and say you brought, said, would bring, we said, bring, say, draws, shall say, in verbs ending in ger, gir change the g to j before ayo: to collect, edit, pick up, correct, collect, correct, before a, or , u, as in nice, hump, minstrel, browse and blush verbs derived from leaf and red.

The m: before p and b: December, man, country, met, before n: student.

The r: is loud when used as the beginning of word: eating, fast, simple written, although it's hard, after consonant: entanglement, underlined, is written twice, to produce loud, between vowels: paddy , cart.

The x: in training of the prefixes ex (out) and extra (plus): out of time, extraordinary.

The ll: in the formation of words that include the particles alley, camel, bellows, bird, cage.

is important to know that all these rules have some exceptions and also some additional specific uses those shown here. But this text is not intended as a guide on this, but just a simple comment, we invite readers to reflect on these issues rigorously by comparisons with texts you have on hand, or even a dictionary.


The third element to analyze in all this are the punctuation marks. Together with the written language with the idea of \u200b\u200brepresenting the speed differences or intonation that we do in the spoken language, the best known are the point, the comma and question marks and exclamation. They are the easiest to use.

The comma (,) is the representation of a short break we would do if the written sentence was pronounced. It is used to join elements of a description and is removed when it reaches the final element and should be used the conjunction "and" the house, trees and cars. It would be incorrect to write the house, trees, and cars. Also, when you say several short sentences in the same sentence should be separated by commas: "desperate cries, tearful faces, limbs rigid: it was the desolation." Coma is also used when constructing a sentence in the manner of ancient Latin vocative: "Robert, runs home." This also implies the use of comma in the sentence "runs, Joseph, runs." It is also used when you omit the verb: go to the beach, you too (we say that the verb is omitted because the phrase is a shorthand way of saying go to the beach, you will too.) Also, when inserted a sentence explaining something that has to do with the property that serves as: the doors of City Hall, said the mayor, will be open. Coma should also be used when transposing the elements of a sentence: in the early hours of the morning, I read it. And finally, when you type an adversative conjunction: the parcel arrived, however, were some objects.

The semicolon (;) defines a longer pause than a comma. Is the average between the break represented by the comma and represented by point. Usually separate sentences in the opposite direction (everyone agreed on the need to tell the truth, except Peter, the pathological liar) or, being long, keep each other closely related (and never again bear the burden foul smelling of my dirt and my drunkenness, and you store all day, smelling of cedar corner Perijá). The semicolon is also used to separate ideas when they serve to explain the elements of a description (the blue eyes and large, the mouth, fleshy and provocative, hands, white and soft). It also is used before then, however, and notwithstanding, and less frequently before but and more (his statements are true, but lack any effectiveness).

The colon is a slightly longer pause than the semicolon serves as notice that a phrase should be taken into account to understand the above is to be pronounced (I understood then, had reached my end) or make a quote (Bolivar said: "Morality and enlightenment are our primary needs), and to mark the beginning of a list (there were many people, from traders to sailors, from children to elderly, from doctors to farmers). Importantly, the presence of the two points does not mean that the next word should start with capital letters. This is a common mistake.

break point represents the longest of all. Marks the end of a sentence and the beginning of another. Also used to indicate an abbreviation, except when it is short of some unit of measurement.

Other punctuation marks for more specific uses:

Exclamation and question: identify an exclamation or a question directly. Written to open and close the exclamation or question: Is fast approaching? Coming! The presence of the exclamation point or question implies that if at the end of a sentence, the point disappears absorbed by the already includes the sign on the bottom. This does not happen when the sign is to be followed by a comma or any other, and maintained.

Parentheses: opening and closing using an expression that expands the possibility of understanding a specific phrase. The man walked (never run) as fast as he could.

Quotes: highlight words or money (called "dotol") and reproduce quotes (he said, looking at me: "They have nothing to do"). Also enclose titles of parts of works, journals and newspapers. In some cases indicate that a word is being used abroad. It's a mistake to use the quotes to highlight the importance of a particular phrase.

dash: used to indicate the emergence of a dialogue in text or parentheses, enclosing itself within a phrase that serves as principal. In the first case, the hyphen is placed at the beginning of the paragraph and not closed at the end of the dialogue:

"Tell me what you think, sister.

This phrase can in turn be interrupted by the narrator adds a new dash, which will close only if the sentence contained in it is not the end of paragraph:

"Tell me what you think, sister," said the child, tears in his eyes, got me worried.

As we see, remains the presence of any punctuation mark, in the absence of the script had been placed at that point in the sentence. The third case is when the phrase is inserted into the dialogue ends the paragraph:

"Tell me what you think, sister," said the boy.

In the latter case, the script does not close, because the point and in addition serves to close automatically.

When the script works as an aside, the syntax is basically the same commentary. Add that in the latter case, the script fails to close when it is a semi-tracked or a full stop, unlike the previous case, which stops close only to stop.

Short Screenplay: separating the syllables at the end of a line. It is also used in the writing of compound words apart.

Umlauts: two points that are placed on or when it is between "g" and "e" or "i" (Aragua, Güiria).

Keys: Group Content in tabular form.

Square brackets indicate that what is contained in them may be out of the speech, is being declared out of context.

Asterisk: a call then the reader must follow the end of the page or text. DIGITAL LIBRARY CITY


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worth mentioning that, "Haber" is a verb, "to see" is watching, "haver" does not exist. "There" is there, "There is a place," Ay "is an exclamation and" ahy "does not exist. "Hague" is there, "Halla" is to find, "There is a place," haiga "does not exist. "Iba" is to go, "Iva" is a tax and "Hiba" does not exist. "Fence" is a large sign, "Go" is to go and "berry" is a fruit. Campaign Against Ignorance: Paste this into your wall.

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Another trip to the fiction .- Mario Vargas Llosa

2011: another trip to

fiction "(...) In any case, one thing is universally known: the fiction, that other reality invented by man from his experience as lived and mingled with the Yeast their unfulfilled desires and imagination, with us as our guardian angel since there in the depths of prehistory, began the winding road that, after millennia, it would take to travel to the stars, to dominate the atom and impressive triumphs in the realm of knowledge and destructive brutality, to uncover human rights, freedom, to create the sovereign individual. Probably none of these discoveries and developments in all domains of experience would have been possible if, looking at our back millions of years ago, there we discovered to our ancestors from the time of the cave and the club, given to the naive and child initiative surely when, in the finest hour of panic, the dark night, pressed against other human bodies for warmth, were put to wander, to travel mentally, before the expiration of the dream, a different world, a life less arduous, less risk, or the most awards and accomplishments that allowed lived reality. This mental journey was, is, the principle of the best that ever happened to human society ... (...) "Mario Vargas Llosa

in The Journey to fiction. The world of Juan Carlos Onetti. Alfaguara, Montevideo, 2009.

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The mediator

no right
Buh! I'm the mediator. I will devour.

Those who, among other obligations of academic life and work, we are teachers and grew up in a democracy, we learned to love the French Decalogue Daniel Pennac we learned in school and we love to spread among students:

1. The right not to read.
2. The right to skip pages.
3. The right not to finish a book.
4. The right to reread.
5. The right to read anything.
6. The right to bovarysme (textual transmitted disease).
7. The right to read anywhere.
8. The right to browse.
9. The right to read aloud.

10. The right to remain silent (Cancelled by order of entry "Hippie" of this blog, where, precisely, we argue that the sense of reading is built from the conversation about what was read.)
Pennac, Daniel (1992 ): As a novel, Madrid, Anagram, 1996. A pathetic translation Gallimard Jeunesse (Youth Gallimard) with innmejorables great Quentin Blake illustrations can be seen here: But as the short-lived and hippy haunt Pistols always ended my love affair with Pennac. Do not confuse the terms, not the same freedom that license, as they say our elders. No, no, no. Not lie again, just to play this evil text among students and short course and cursotes all about reading.

particular, I will concentrate on the point The right not to read. It's a great scam! Sure, says Gallimard Jeunesse, do not mock those who do not read or not read, but we can not leave things well alone for fear of invasion freedoms of others. No, no, no. We replace the right not to read, which excludes us, that leaves no insurmountable read in limbo, for the right to have a mediator.

Everyone, absolutely everyone, we have the right for someone to lead us into reading and manages us that decrepit and exclusive right to read. Could (should) be a teacher, a teacher, we recommend newsagent popular edition of the Decameron (one of the texts most profitable in terms of number of pages / price), an old friend reader, a blog, a mine that a chat rises, a guy who wants to excel at a gathering of friends and throws book titles, a clown who gives little poems photocopied in a fair, a good librarian after you you can not get rid of them, the bookseller in the neighborhood (so you can not get rid of them), a showgirl naked in the magazine Caras said he reads Nietzsche (sic) (Will you keep it up ?). The mediator is there and, like evil, takes different forms.

We have every right in the world to the mediator devouring us and we install in a less free.

mediator action
The Plain
jokes - Lagostina

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Emo Bracelet Meanings

"More kid things"

For Morocco Rodríguez Welcome

a child was to a school that was next to the Plaza de las Tres Cruces. Passed very close to tram and the kids, sometimes they brought us nails and toes of our homes for them on the road. After the passage of the vehicle were completely flat and after sharpening with stones that we found made them in sword.
I remember the fields that surround Armilla. Eating beans, tender little tails of the vines, green almonds (which was called "Allos") and other unripe fruits such as plums and peaches. We also ate even the green ears and the truth is that, apart from once a cramp than another, we were so healthy and campers. I come now
images of yesteryear, like a good bunch of kids trolley poles uploads to see some of the movie summer movies ... (the stories "Romans" and "Indians and Comboys" I enjoyed and, perched on the stick) or that other, which seems to me to relive it again now, going I walked with my friend Juan Morillas from the tram station of Armilla to Churriana, stooping occasionally to put the ear on the road if approached by .... In short stories of no importance in an era that, although I realize now that was hard and difficult, but I remember bright and happy, thanks to the immense magic of being a child.

Photo: "Children modelers in the field of aviation Armilla"
Years 40. Photographic Emilio Atienza.