Sunday, June 18, 2006

Wpn824 Wireless Bridge

Since this corpus before us marked by instability and threatening, in risk of thunderstorms is concerned, is why this weekend we could not make any long-haul route and we had designed for the heights of the Sierra Nevada. Journey we have in mind making 1 and 2 July the Marquis come from Jerez - Postero Alto Refuge - up Trevélez if the weather permits and the authority does not prevent muscle. So, not losing the trail and keep cool we step, then we decided, my wife and I give this little walk around the headwaters of the river Darro.
The march started from the Visitor Center Puerto Lobo , which can be accessed by the output of the A-92 - "The Fargo-Huétor Santillán-Granada East", or directly from the village of Viznar. We headed from Alfacar by the road between these two brotherly peoples. You can usually start walking, going up the area known as Barranco de Viznar, but since we left very late, drawing a clear of clouds that we opened as if by magic, and above our heads, then why as it was to take a short walk through the park, is why we went there by car to scratch a few minutes of travel time.
started the walk, from the Visitor Center, take the path signposted as "Maull Hill Trail," to avoid the forest track also starts from here, but as constumbre more monotonous, dusty and busy by nuisance vehicles (later we will on your part). Path that passes through a magnificent pine plantation and native reforestation, cedar, and today was packed with clumps of rosemary, thyme and marjoram.
At the same feet Hill Maull, you can visit in about fifteen minutes, the trenches up to its very top to enjoy these magnificent views that I discussed in the "path of the 2 cross-Las Alfacar and Víznar" or turn left to go to meet the forest track to which I referred and which goes up to Camp Alfaguara.
Once on the track, leaving the Hill Maull and to our right, after first passing a first curve to the left and one on the right and seeing the Cerro de Casa Fuerte front, and on a line of same, we sharpen the view to see a rock on the right lane and marked by a worn red arrow signal indicating the start of this narrow path, which would tread for the first time today, and I had talked some locals. Path to which we put a small pile of stones marked the beginning for better and display when you are walking down the runway and looking downhill suddenly you find it.
This narrow path begins with a sharp drop between gorse bushes, rosemary and juniper odd, first crossing a small ravine and finally leave the Barranco del Tejo where the vegetation changes completely (we can find gall , oaks, Aceral copies of Pyrenean oak, and thyme Retamares and dolomite). His itinerary, it is very simple and nice although it should be very careful not to go to their narrow drain and / or false step.
As I said, according to descend after the start of the trail, and by placing them on the left side of this small ravine, soon began a 180 º. After a small climb, the trail now runs along the right bank and the Darro River Valley .
On the other side, our right, the left side of the river, observe the entire route of the path of the Forest House Bolones to Cerro de la Cruz. Forest House we already see in the distance after a decrease of the path before us and after the crossing of another small ravine. Indicate I have, to be saved by some obstacles such as fallen pine logs on it and a bit hampering their passage. To our left we see the remains of old trenches of the English Civil War, very close to the former Casa del Gato.
The trail, after a sharp right turn, now plummets to approach the bed of the River Darro . We go down the same sad watching his drought covered or hidden by the lush some existing trees and poplars abound as well as riparian vegetation marked.
Birth Darro Although, strictly speaking, we can contemplate turning to our right and walk downstream, crossing it several times, until reach a dam, then take the path on the left, save the rocks and run into a booth. Just to the right we find the Fountain of the swineherd who is the exact point where he recognizes his birth. But as they begin to fall a few drops and a thunder storm presage us, we decided not to visit and turn left to approach the pool just up there just below the viewpoint of the Veguilla and the worst move towards the House Forest PEÑONCILLO and protect us if things would have gone higher.
When we reached the pond , as the clouds had dissipated a bit, we decided to turn down the same road that brought us, now we could and the possibility of not getting wet at all (although as always it usually happens in these cases, we would rain on the return).
From this point, the pond I mean, we had had two choices: continuing upriver, visit the very next and refreshing Fuente de la Teja (about ten minutes or less) and if we had chosen to take a small dirt track leaving behind his back and right, lead us, once emptied into the main coming from there, to the Forest House PEÑONCILLO.
I uploaded this short walk to promote this path a little interesting because I see it as a link and quick escape from the meow link to the House Forest PEÑONCILLO (alternatively, we have a little later once the Barranco de la Umbria and take another right track passing through a closed chain you down to the Fountain of Teja, but it is much long and less seen as more box-walking). So for a possible future up for next fall would be a good example given by exit from Alfacar (Big Fountain) - climb the Barranco de Viznar Visitor Center Puerto Lobo - Visit the trenches of Maull - back on track forest - down this path before us to the Barranco del Tejo - Channel and Darro header - Fuente de la Teja - Forest House of PEÑONCILLO - Cañada del Sereno - Cortijo Chorrillo - Rest Area Florence - Fountain of the Colts - Black Prado - The Mill. Final point where we would collect for the return drive (this is where an agreed and even speak well of them, the vehicles I mean.) Would be about 30 km and a prediction, a good ride for the heart and legs and the heart and soul of the Parque Natural de la Sierra de Huétor. Proposal is in the air and suspended with approved and as supply of things to come.
As always leave some photos to remember and put the eye and point and continued in that other our Sierra. The Nevada. The Sierra del Sol as she was called in the Middle Ages and never better now that you can "walk" and enjoy her, taking all the sun and the air you want. With all the care and protection of course, and go ahead. And that, never missing ... The move, as a trace of existence.
-Itinerary: Visitor Center "Puerto Lobo" - Maull Trail - Forest PISTALA Alfaguara-Barranco del Tejo - Head of the River Darro.
-Number of participants: 2
-Duration: 2 1 / 2 h. approx.
Water: Source of Teja.

Sunday, June 4, 2006

Brown Alumni Interview


CORTIJO OF hornillo

Once again we headed toward the town of Sierra Güejar to explore one of the most beautiful routes that run through the Hill of San Juan, bound and main point of the stove in the farmhouse. This way, you can start on several fronts: falling from the nose or Depth of the bowl, along the Carretera de Sierra Nevada Hotel descending to the Duke's turn to the right hand lane going towards the old workings and mines Serpentina in the middle of Barranco de San Juan, and for us today, and we prefer it in a circular, taking back the Vereda de la Estrella, which by the way today was a strong smell and taste of spring. So much so that even a simple thistle would not a little to teach us.
For this we turn once again towards the Barranco de San Juan (1,180 m.), access to which I have mentioned in previous routes such as the Guarnón, that of the Serpentine and the Forest Refuge Calvary. Located
and the junction of the rivers San Juan and Genil, ie near the ravine and place where we parked the car next to the existing picnic there, cross the wooden bridge that crosses the other side, the left from this important tributary of the Guadalquivir and starting point of the Vereda de la Estrella. First steps we take in a sharp rise, about 200 meters, for starters legs, and then comfortably and move and by what we call a false flat on the rest of the itinerary of the same.
a half hour, we meet with the centenary chestnut known as "Grandpa " to honor him with the usual friendly greeting. An hour about the diversion of Vadillo. In one hour and forty-five minutes with the ruins of the tester Mina. From these, a detour to the right and, soon, one more. It does not matter to take one another, they both agree on their fate. This narrow path
ruthlessly attacked, a sack to understand and learn what goes one meter between levels of the good, the Loma de la Dehesa San Juan , so you have to take it with philosophy and good legs, because the gap to save is very important. At the peak of the route, about 756 meters or so.
I have to say the village is very little traffic and the time when we enter the first oak that comes to us we can easily lose because of the thick grass available (in the fall foliage), with consequent nuisance and loss of time involved in having to find it again. If this happens, and always trying not to lose altitude, we can take the option on the ground and ladeándonos to the right until una pequeña chorrera. A nuestra derecha observamos un gran roquedal y sobre él pasa la vereda perdida. Otra variante de atacada desde este punto al Cortijo del Hornillo y que hoy nosotros sufrimos como nuestra y nos llevamos puesta como muestra de la variante de las indagaciones es desviarse a la izquierda, con dirección hacia el Barranco del Guarnón, porque también existe otra vereda que hacia allí te lleva, para al final girar a la derecha y subir loma que te doma cada uno a su horma, para dirigirnos de nuevo hacia el robledad de la derecha. La causa, pues lo de siempre, la mala y/o peor, la falta de señalización a la que nos enfrentamos los usuarios, ya que la vereda se pierde por muchísimos momentos.
El caso es que, After about three hours from the start of the walk, we finally arrived at a beautiful green plateau that is home to some pens and some huts for livestock. This is the Cortijo del Stove (1838 m.) Here we make a stop for supplies for the best views of Sierra Nevada peaks and we have brought to our backs (if the route we would have done in the opposite direction we would head as impact.) Emphasizing, therefore, left to right, Vacares The Strut, The Citadel, The Depth of Seven Lakes, Mulhacén, Bowls and Depth of the Caldera looming, all as the hand and a stone's throw from the camera. On the right, and if we approach the Barranco del Guarnón, we can see one of the males and the Pico del Veleta. Directly opposite note, acknowledging the naked eye by its whitewashed facade, the Forest Refuge Calvary (known popularly as La Cucaracha). Above, on the horizon, the hill of the Cradle of the quarter, leading to the Sinks of the Queen and unfortunately this year we lost the ticket to visit them as God commands (with the right proportions of snow and water) . The reason, the intense heat of May that we were caught once. But what can we do, next year we will walk more savvy SDQ.
renew the march, after about three quarters of an hour of great break, and by soft cross descent the last gasps of oak, with its distinctive leaves lobe, called the bowls of and being also the highest in the Iberian Peninsula. The back trail runs parallel to the Vereda de la Estrella, but with the proviso that it does about 500 feet or so above it and is also weaving in a gentle and easy descent and crossing small ditches, streams and frills . Peaking of slope on the 1,936 m.
Soon our right, if you descend downhill to an elevation level between 1,700 and 1,600 meters, we would find the Old Cabin Cortijo and where Part one of the most beautiful and frills that go through the Vereda de la Estrella. Later we passed a beautiful place called Mesa Meadows Haza, with beautiful views of the cliffs of San Francisco, to our left and the background, and place very close to the Morra. After taking some snapshots we continued the march to, then make a brief stop at another large square in which there is some pens and several groups of rocks, is the Cortijo del Hoyo (1,664 m.)
the road, from a rock surrounded by large squares, marked vegetation and a panoramic view of the town of Sierra Güejar (framed precisely between the trunks of trees), now falls sharply divided into many narrow paths, surrounded by thousands of wild lilies "to sfódelo" but ultimately all converge on one and the same dirt track. We descend by turning it clockwise (to the left died in an old quarry mineral extraction). Soon we find a bifurcation: the right way we would fall to Cortijo de la Hortichuela and below, again, at the beginning of the Vereda de la Estrella, but we opted to take the left. We continued walking and we ran over the remains of the old workings of the Serpentine Mines and on a large grate on the floor, is to prevent the passage of livestock. Down there, on our right, and we see the San Juan bolted to loosen their forces in a dam or dike where there are also some remains of buildings of the old mines of Serpentine, to continue his journey and become a waterfall ravine.
And to end and taking the path that leaves us on our right and signposted Vegueta Snail, straight and free fall towards the confluence of the San Juan River Genil and high in the picnic area from the start; point where we parked the car, to drink up the source of birth that falls in the vicinity and as well put on your label "non-chlorinated water" but we know the sky and sea without so. A place to sit with the sound of roaring water and have a snack, or they're needed.
As always some photos to remember. And that moment of the flora that accompanied us, noting today an exclusive endemism of the beautiful Sierra Nevada Foxglove "Digitalis purpurea " - variant- nevadensis (escrofulariácea herb, flower cluster earrings terminal, shaped corolla thimble, and whose leaves contain digitalis , a very poisonous glucoside, but at doses lower than 1 mg. is used as a heart tonic) and those poppies of the field as blood shooting renews and drag these walks.

-Route: Highway Bypass Granada - Ronda Sur - Sierra Güejar Departure - Barranco de San Juan by car * Star Trail-Mines of the testers - Cortijo del Stove - Haza Mesa - Cortijo del Hoyo - Mines Serpentine - Vegueta of Caracol - Barranco de San Juan.
-Number of participants: 4
-Difficulty: Medium / Low
-Length: 7 1 / 2 hours approx.
-Water: In many parts of the route.