Thursday, December 3, 2009

The Bait Bus Blog Stream


I remember very well. I was a baby boy. 6 or 7 rings. It was in the winter of 57. The case is that one day fell Nevazo tremendous. Was not never seen anything like it and since then ... not. Imagine, Armilla remained incommunicado for two or three days ... cut roads, rail tracks with a meter or more of snow on top. I remember the elderly with shovels in front of the doors, making ways to get out of the houses. For children was extraordinary. Almost festive. Everything was white and different and I still seem to feel that immense silence that gives the snow, which sound like muffled sounds, the dark and dirty ... and people cleared then a pretty picture seems very far away, Central cold countries. At night the "show" was even more impressive because Armilla streets, like all other peoples, are sparingly lit with a dim bulb in the corner of every street, so with the snow, the silence and darkness ... you can imagine!

What it reminded me more strongly, I think it was yesterday, was when a group of zagalones 14 or 15 years (also had, I remember, some older) they decided to make a snowball. The train started up there in front of the headquarters of aviation. Then they began to shoot down the road. Then the ball grew and grew. It was a huge area that increasingly larger and larger running was done on the road. I remember running happily after the great white ball, to bequeath to the corner of Granada, splat!, Crashed and jumped into a thousand pieces cold.

The fact noted in all Armilla and I'm sure more than one reading these lines, remember that. From that giant ball growing faster than me, now and despite giving away the years, I see again down the road, turning imposing.
Look, this story, remember the fact that time has gotten me back to find the child that was me then. With this child we all have inside and now is here with me, watching, amazed and happy, the magic ball that rolls and rolls.

- July Selection Catalá memories. ______________________________________________

Captions: ONE PHOTO Armilla Neighbours in the middle of the road the day of heavy snowfall. In the center, in July, the article's author as a child.
- PHOTO TWO: armilleros Group next to the bust sculpted by José Aguilera Guerrero ("The saints") can be seen in the background the tram station.


Friday, November 6, 2009

Hair Coloring Prices At Jcp

Songs in the memory (1)

Monday, October 19, 2009

India Sim Card Blackberry


There were many games that had children and not so young in those years. It should be noted that all of them were carried out on the street. The "Patula" of kids got together and was rampant in the village and surrounding areas (the beds, ditches, fields ... it was the best "theme park" for us). It was rare for one to stay home. In homes estorbábamos. ("Go boy, go" pa out "to play!). Sometimes the girls played with trading cards in stride the door (the brass kept in small boxes of quince jelly and those with more valuable were those glitter or so-called "sleepers"). Before you flip the pups were cast chrome breath in the palm of your hand and do not see the ability of some little girls to "beat" the trading cards to friends.

- Some games of our time:

- THE "BOLI" The "pen" was just a stick with two ends. One was placed between two stones (called "Mochera") Then he threw "the pen" up and another longer stick golpetazo.entonces was given a bet is far reaching. They said approximate meters (Mochera alante "or" Mochera back "). Then measured with pequeños.Si steps brought you missed the tow, or "cucurumbillos" to "Mochera"

- The game of "CAÑADÚS" AND THE FAT BITCH: With the reeds that gave away (or falling) of the "alsina" coming from Motril stopping next to Rosario kiosk at the entrance of the village , he threw the penny, to place on the soft cane (Then the "cañadús" the chewed and sipped until it sequita)

- " El Churro, PICO, or TERNA" This game was already most modern and the backs of the "mocicones" rather than resented.

- espadrille : All the kids sitting in a row against the wall. Hands behind his back. Another had to find out where she was hiding the espadrille and if he did not ...¡¡ alpargatazo who raised you!

- partidillo OF SOCCER PLAYERS TO THE "chat" (What were the sheet metal of the bottles of beer and soft drinks. Some had faces of players on the inside)

- " THE CHARP " This was a major game. Were betting money. It was a kind of "heads and tails" coin. Face was as he left the bust of the character and now the King and before Franco, but then went Alfonso XIII. It was played with 10 cent coins that were really big. The "cross" is called "nises" .. ("Van" pa'rriba ", gentlemen! Have fallen" nises!)

A selection of souvenirs and Valentin Morenilla Riesco Pepe Alvarez

Captions: "Two Hermanillos at school" typical souvenir photo school. ARMILLA 1944 and Pepe Morenilla of boy your bike .. ARMILLA 1943. FILE PHOTO
PEPE Morenillo

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Warrior Cat Littlelest Pet Shops


- had a game like an alley that was played with a wooden ball larger than now. It is played by adults, men who went to the bar to "take the middle." There were "bolódormos" on the patios and corrals Armilla some establishments, such as the "Bar of the widow" or the "Santiago, coal. " Also playing in the "bar. of Tomizo. "

- There were " SQUARE BALLS "(Oddly enough!) That were made of rubber and inflated and others made of rags bundled with string.

Well and many more !!... The four corners, lime (What luck that had lime truth and not just a medium iron "twisted". This game was well in wet sites, with the ground soft,,, as the area of bicycles) to nail it (with the file being played to "snake" and "hopscotch"). The "Burn", the diabolo, the "hopscotch of heaven and hell , the slack in the "Jacks", the floor of the paste, cut- (these were girls rather). The Bumblebee (in this game gave you some "slaps" championship), the " waterboarding, prints ( the most valuable collection for all was that of football players), the correcalles , the ring, the spin, the "one with spicy" and "one without spicy", the "Seven and a half" and " line" with currencies, the "chichiriboi", the "whirligig", a handkerchief, a telegram, "clock, clock, one and two, the hideout, blind man's buff, the spin, the "skateboard" wooden carts with wheels sheepshead minnows. The "ball" (not used the word "marble"), the mysteries of " bay", the "quiet" (with it!) The "pilla pilla, the swings that were made in trees and cloth seat fat "enrrollao", the "bombs carbide, which were very dangerous, the yew, the" rewards "to the front and back of the box" Mister "(did not use the word" match "or" matches ")), arcs with branches rather flexible, slings, kites, rubber trees .... y. .. I'll tell you what!
was played with everyone and everything .... with cardboard boxes, with the strings in the canals, houses in ruin ...¡¡ If we played in the tanks to drain aviation! (We called "The Well of Aviation"). A full sun and the rain .. Whatever became the best toys (To say that mobile phones were now two simple tin cans with string)

And that's all that was safe ..... but now, and suddenly, I do not remember much.

PHOTO CAPTION: Two children with their bikes: Armilla 1968 FILE PHOTO
PEPE Morenillo

A selection of souvenirs and Valentin Morenilla Riesco Pepe Alvarez


Friday, October 2, 2009

Build A Concrete Bath


rather I grew up in Sierra Nevada, in the hills Pradollano ... My father was a pastor in the mountains ... and up to fourteen years I was with him in the pure forest. At 14 I came here to work with the nuns. A convent between now and next, in Ogíjares .. I tilled the garden, made Chapucillas different and, of course, also made them "lies." I was like "mandaero." Often come to shop here, so I will talk today about the shops and businesses Armilla at that time (the 50's and early 60)

those was a grocery store that we called the " Purico the country houses. "up there, where now are the jars that. In the store was selling a little of everything, as in the past in all such ventures. The husband went with a car along the road to Granada, the "mercao" of S. Augustine per fruit. It was also "Soria" of accoutrements to eat as the other in the real road to Motril. What a nice shopping! So familiar, where shopkeepers know the life and miracles of almost the entire parish. Stores that were social meeting point, with that whiff so special, with brown slip of paper to do the math with a pencil hooked to a cord-or placed in the ear, not lose it. And there in one hand bags kidney beans, chickpeas, flour, lentils ... (Then came the work of removing the stones and the "coconut", which was a black bichillos, these lentils, hearing, afternoon, serials, the "Love Rosa "or" Simply Maria "). And do not forget ... when you bought me as well, something in bulk, you always cast "the Mandaic" which was more about what puñaíllo purchased (flour, rice or whatever).

store was also Antonio "Chango" there, along with tight now ... which also sold bulk coffee, garlic, bay leaf, spices, sweet shortcakes, cornicabra peppers, bacon, sausage , sausage, cod of these large, open a map, potting soil, coal and lapilli, ceramics, flour, and why not! those round wooden boxes herring, well placed, as a circle of silver. Buy one or two. You put them on a sheet of brown paper fat I had with the jam, a good hook. Then he took the fish dry, and the doorway it is bruised or pounded on the table. I wouldst a good herring with a piece of bread, a tomato opened with salt, wine vasillo and I knew as the best food in the world .. but then .... All afternoon the "joias" pilchards for water! They were good, "Chambers" the damn!

I remember now Trini "The Morenilla." Behind the school San Miguel. She lived up and was down your local. It was a store that was like a "Dragstore" .... because those run in continuous time. So Sunday we went to for things "Go, Morenilla sorry to bother you, see if you fall, I'm turning white and I ran out of lime. If you do me the favor to sell me a bag of pasta. "And she was always helpful and friendly throughout, went ... never said no" That other woman!, Which now "mismico" low!. Do not worry "." There he began selling lime, paint brushes, which made her homemade soap, candles and even eggs from hens that had there back in a little courtyard. Later the business was flourish: then appeared brushes, assorted paints, bleaches, nails and nails, straw hats for the field, strings, laces, the shoes of those of homespun cloth, bedding, games terry loops, needles, embroidery racks, aprons, pajamas and thimbles, buttons, wool, fine wire, toys for good .... Reyes "to of everything". To say it looked like the "Corte Ingles! But boy, yes .. About five years ago that took the shop .. and now his daughter, on the road has other business Thursday. But otherwise ... clear.

A selection of souvenirs from Enrique Molina Castillo ("El Churro) and Juana Vico.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Kates Playground Hd Free


By John the postman was . He took the letters from the tram and then distributed them or going there for them .. Below was the first tight that he had here in Armilla. It was tight " girl." Rolling snuff, lighters tinder these yellow and of course, cigarette packs: "Corruco "" Perfect, "Celts" ...
front of the Three Crosses was "Julius butcher the shores of Yoli's florist was now the one hand clothes shop telling him" The Fat of the cloth " and the other the shoemaker Pepe "El Chango" (brother of another of the store from which I spoke of earlier). repairing shoes, boots, heels, soles tapas .. ... is that then the shoes, when they broke, not throwing as far ( Well, with the crisis now things are changing.) When they broke it again and again recosían as new.

For that quarter was also was "phones." A counter, a counter and behind that mess of holes and cables, and plugs. Sometimes to speak at Madrid conference hours that you were throwing the "delay." They also put the telegrams (those blue confetti when you took them to your house and if it was not your saint or had a child, smelled like bad news and gave as fear or "creepy." I do not know. Me at least I passed)

fish is sold with a donkey. It was very fresh. Motril. Along the street were also the "blanqueaores" to live loudly offered to paint the walls and prickly pears, and figs of Isabel (whites and blacks ") who came in his cheek, wrapped in fig leaves. I still remember the cry:" isabeleeeeesss figs, freasquitooooos and fat "Ms.

The angels had a massacre, like Ms Teresa . (Relimpio facilities and where the various products offered as a still life, such was the love and care to be placed on the marble). In the streets of Granada was the dairy "Joaquín el de la Genara" where people went to their Cantarilla for milk. Others were also sold milk Lola and Alexander, there the square the Meadows. They had cows, rabbits, chickens, pigs and even a great and beautiful peacock when he opened his huge tail was like a rainbow illuminating everything.

There were two ovens , a way of Thursday, that of Ramoncillo, and the other the Eugene it still works. It was a loaf of those big, tight crumb, or rich, which is then distributed around town with a cart pulled by a mule. We had

"bodegas Gum" and "Still Life Enriquito or" , your business is actually called "Bodegas Alonso" and where the wine cwt sold for pages, half arroba ... etc. And speaking of bars had the " Bar Branches", "The Kiki" hitting the tram shed, the Mercedes "The Caledonia" and others that I can not remember.

The pastry "Rosario, the Pepona" had cakes that were blessed glory and every day brought from Granada. Then in the evening, as at that time there were no refrigerators, so they are not brats, rather than on selling cheap. The waiters, when they came to see Graná girlfriends got together and bought three or four "a mop." Sometimes they are used to pay us the trusted other. Of course, the good woman never forgot to charge us. While the pastry Rosario put the first kiosk Armilla goodies (candy, sunflower seeds, chickpeas "Tostao, groundnuts, lupines - who called it" water-cunt "... etc). Nothing gominotas or goodies now been made with oil that will go you know.
In charge of the kiosk was at times a son of Ms. Rosario and other times the little grandson ... so he combined the two businesses. It was situated on the road to Motril, Granada street corner. One day a car coming from Motril took the kiosk in front ...¡¡¡ Luckily no one was inside!

A selection of souvenirs from Enrique Molina Castillo ("El Churro) and Juana Vico.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

What To Take To Heal Tailbone Injury

The music of memories (2)