Monday, October 19, 2009

India Sim Card Blackberry


There were many games that had children and not so young in those years. It should be noted that all of them were carried out on the street. The "Patula" of kids got together and was rampant in the village and surrounding areas (the beds, ditches, fields ... it was the best "theme park" for us). It was rare for one to stay home. In homes estorbábamos. ("Go boy, go" pa out "to play!). Sometimes the girls played with trading cards in stride the door (the brass kept in small boxes of quince jelly and those with more valuable were those glitter or so-called "sleepers"). Before you flip the pups were cast chrome breath in the palm of your hand and do not see the ability of some little girls to "beat" the trading cards to friends.

- Some games of our time:

- THE "BOLI" The "pen" was just a stick with two ends. One was placed between two stones (called "Mochera") Then he threw "the pen" up and another longer stick golpetazo.entonces was given a bet is far reaching. They said approximate meters (Mochera alante "or" Mochera back "). Then measured with pequeños.Si steps brought you missed the tow, or "cucurumbillos" to "Mochera"

- The game of "CAÑADÚS" AND THE FAT BITCH: With the reeds that gave away (or falling) of the "alsina" coming from Motril stopping next to Rosario kiosk at the entrance of the village , he threw the penny, to place on the soft cane (Then the "cañadús" the chewed and sipped until it sequita)

- " El Churro, PICO, or TERNA" This game was already most modern and the backs of the "mocicones" rather than resented.

- espadrille : All the kids sitting in a row against the wall. Hands behind his back. Another had to find out where she was hiding the espadrille and if he did not ...¡¡ alpargatazo who raised you!

- partidillo OF SOCCER PLAYERS TO THE "chat" (What were the sheet metal of the bottles of beer and soft drinks. Some had faces of players on the inside)

- " THE CHARP " This was a major game. Were betting money. It was a kind of "heads and tails" coin. Face was as he left the bust of the character and now the King and before Franco, but then went Alfonso XIII. It was played with 10 cent coins that were really big. The "cross" is called "nises" .. ("Van" pa'rriba ", gentlemen! Have fallen" nises!)

A selection of souvenirs and Valentin Morenilla Riesco Pepe Alvarez

Captions: "Two Hermanillos at school" typical souvenir photo school. ARMILLA 1944 and Pepe Morenilla of boy your bike .. ARMILLA 1943. FILE PHOTO
PEPE Morenillo


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