Sunday, May 21, 2006

What Does Butalapapcaff Do To You



The suffocating heat of these days earlier had left such an impression on our minds Granada was directed today to the heights of the Sierra Nevada to stay away from his gaze. So we went over there for a simple and beautiful way and visit some high mountain lakes of Sierra Nevada. Again
take the Granada ring to leave for the southern ring road in the direction of the Carretera de la Sierra . We finish the power running car in the area known as the Shelters (2,500 m.), exactly the Km.35, 5 of that road and where no entry signal prevents you keep up the pace and just Peñones over San Francisco and the Hoya de la Mora.
It was about 10:30 h. when we arrived. Morning was cool and the wind blew strong from the west. We started the climb and, as the law of demand hiking, walking towards the Monument to the Virgen de las Nieves , with a clear path on several occasions across the asphalt of the road. Via built by the Germans, and very well made indeed, and it continues to rise although generally closed to vehicle traffic.
The direction we take because we clearly have the Pico del Veleta before our eyes (anything else would be able to touch with hands). To our left is the old Observatory Wheat Cairn. We continue the ascent to the area known as Cauchiles , a huge glacier where the ancient snowfields gender came to stock up and download it to Granada and where until recently you could even get in the car and park nearby. Amongst its two branches, one towards the peak of Veleta and Capileira (the left) and the other on the right, which is what we take, towards Borreguiles and Telescope Observatory, . After advancing a few minutes by the paved road, we turned left onto a path to avoid doing the entire route on the asphalt, saving about half of the mile that is entirely the same until Borreguiles.
The path is gaining altitude and passes over facilities of the ski lifts. Later, the Loma de Dílar surpassed the Collado de las Yeguas (2,853 m.) to go to the Laguna of the same name. Before arriving and crown it, watched some precious and innumerable frills borreguiles coming down like crazy and insane as a result of heavy ice that is being produced by the heat last time and not normal for May in which we live. I still remember a year ago, enough, back in the Miocene, when the ski season closed on May 31, a weekend in which the 1st and 2nd June agreed on Saturday and Sunday respectively, we we were skiing. But that is times so-boiled ...
When we reached the Laguna de las Mares (2,882 m.), it delights us with her beauty and crystal clear waters and lots of floating icebergs as small iceberg. Although we also see many red sticks of signs of the tracks and the remains of mattresses cushions floating metal studs and really ugly this natural lagoon turned into a reservoir by human hands and is located on the north side of cliffs of the Virgin, also serving as the main water supply for the resort ski resort of Sierra Nevada and that has nothing to do with the nature of the original. The hand of man has always drawn on the daily planning, agile and quick ... Like other so that the ski poles topped that with the great telescope and building, with its two areas facing the sky, of the ski and mountain hut.
now continue the climb a rocky path and parallel to a small stream that is the contribution of the Lagunillas of the Virgin towards our target. These, together with the Dam-Lake of the mares are the dowry of the source of the river Dílar . Tours
few hundred meters, we get to that beautiful land and scenic set consists of borreguiles, snowfields, slides and pools. Wherein the mixture on the palette of colors is impressive, dominating the blue, white, green, ocher and gray slate and flagstone. Today they were still too covered with snow, but several small lakes to teach us that nature uncovering full of wordless where borreguiles and high mountain meadows green drink water from the many existing gaps here.
From this beautiful environment, The Lagunillas of the Virgin (2983 m.), we observed the Dílar River Valley, the Carthusian Ridge, the unmistakable and unshakable Capileira Fraile, with its built-in legend memory, and the fantastic Tajos of the Virgin.
Flora say consists of high mountain meadows (called borreguiles), creeping juniper and thyme. And as resurgent our star, the Plantago nivalis Boiss, endemism belonging to the Family Plantagináceasla commonly called Star of the Snow. is the true symbol of Sierra Nevada. Is said to be the flower of eternal love. Lovers of gifts to show their love will never dry, as the leaves of the star (though there are some 80 endemic species unique and have nothing to envy, such as evergreen, foxgloves, Tirana, cinquefoil, chamomile Saw, violet and poppy Sierra Nevada). As there is more wildlife variety, as well as unique and important endemic species such as the Apollo butterfly Parnassius subsp Nevadensis; although the most common species that predominates, and where the population is the largest in Spain, is the Ibex (Capra pyrenaica) inhabiting the high peaks of the park and we spotted today, as it is about as usual, a group of magnificent specimens even more lower levels.
From here, from the Lagunillas of the Virgin, part of a trail that leads to high mountain refuge Elorrieta of about 3,181 m. (Although we did not see many traces of traffic because of snow still is imposed on the added difficulty of its passage). We leave for another occasion favorable as our journey now is down. So with an eye to the Carthusian Ridge first visited the Hermitage Lagunillas, being amazed by the transparency and brightness of its waters.
We continue our march to then turn to the left and finally visit the Laguna del Carnero (2,700 m.) which is one of the most beautiful and yet unknown gaps in Sierra Nevada, perhaps this be kept in such good condition. Laguna appears to us unexpectedly large blocks of rock in the northern flank of the Carthusian Tozal. I have to clarify on some maps this gap listed as "Mysterious Lagunillo " while as "Laguna del Carnero " appoint the one on the other opposite side of the Carthusian Ridge (western part) and situated on an elevation of 2,674 m level . But either way, the case is that almost all mountaineers, and it is known as Laguna del Carnero and thus call for the land, to recognize and understand.
Here, the haven of its waters, do the high bound for supplies and rest. More than usual, about three quarters of an hour, because the site had it coming and it was such a charming story. Which also I found, making the smell test, the water does not take away the thirst for purity and lack of minerals. How pure we do not make Labs or German.
After regain strength, with the chamber filled with snapshots, we continue the march heading toward the gorge of the river through a large area Dílar new borreguiles, waterfalls and spouts of water to cross. After passing by the ski lifts, where there was grazing a large herd of tan, go up a dirt track used for skiing, and the right bank of the river, and where we are looking to our left , beyond the distance across and across the ravine, the impressive Chorreras of the Virgin, also known as Pinwheel Chorreras , with its two huge ponytails. Also spotted, as we ascend and to our left, the Rock of Dílar, La Loma of the Bakers, and the background to the Collado Jackets. Once crowned the hill, we reached the village and ski lifts Borreguiles, where about 5 pm we had about 14 º more than pleasant temperature.
From here, the paved road back to Cauchiles to go down to the Virgen de las Nieves, with hands grasping the caps because we were flying as a result of strong gusts of wind to finish this beautiful tour of the gaps in this aspect of Sierra Nevada, in the parking lot of the shelters, the point where we had left the vehicle parked. As always leave some photos to remember and when the heat and serve to let off steam.

-Route: Granada, Km.35, 5 Carretera de Sierra Nevada in the vehicle. Hostels, Virgen de las Nieves, Cauchiles, Borreguiles, Laguna de las Mares, Lagunillas de la Virgen, Laguna del Carnero * Borreguiles-Cauchiles-Virgen de las Nieves-Hostels.
-Number of participants: 4
-Difficulty: Medium / Low
-Length: 7 1 / 2 hours
-Water: streams and frills.


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