Sunday, October 8, 2006

What Can You Do About Herpes In Your Nose



Again we went to one of the most accessible and airy foothills of the Sierra Nevada to breathe that air so pure and free, and within the National Park, entering his lungs. For this we again A-395 coming up from Granada and parked the vehicle on the 35.200 kilometer. Back left moments before the Collado de las Sabinas and Military Youth . crossed the road, and walking, as the law itself sends hiking, we joined one lane road in a sharp and short rise through the Collado del Diablo (instead of over the old "Coolers the Sierra "), for once traveled, now in a gentle descent, about 2,100 m. about an old firm tarmac in a deplorable condition indeed reach the San Francisco hostel, or rather the small outbuilding that was built very close to the principal and was named Youth of San Francisco or that of the elite , which now is no longer a single stone of its foundation. The late Hostel was built by the Company Sierra Nevada back in 1915 on the Champs de Otero and was the first and pioneer of the entire Sierra Nevada.
Continuing progress on the same direction and leaving behind this traeamos small building attached to the referral and disappeared Hostel San Francisco, with its distinctive roof red, serving as contrast and claim under the blue sky which embraces us, we take a narrow path that runs parallel to the bed of a channel (today a drier than on our last visit to these places) and going through several frills. In front of our eyes we have the Cerro de la Morra, also called Depth of the bowl, and with its 2,203 m. altitude dominates the Loma de San Juan.
The path draws us to the Barranco of San Juan, and never better, because this stretch of decline as we do in freefall and with the utmost care drive rods and to strengthen our steps, that unless you know ... "Which lost to the river and all the mess of legs ..."
This time we have no difficulty in crossing the river because of its cross he did not have gout or gout. Just a few feet below we see how to reappear again and with its waters roar as the law of gravity rules.
From here, heading east, climbing a steep, narrow trail that once crowned a large area clear of rocks and bushes and crossed by a frill, leaving behind a large rock as a reference point, puts us as the car of Scalectrix in a wider one that leads us straight to the top Cerro de la Morra. And only follow, we noticed also that runs parallel to Bridge Hole Acequia. Also clarify that this path is, the two we see from the other side of the Barranco de San Juan and before lowering it, the higher the altitude. The other, lower, and that runs parallel to it, would lead us toward Haza tables.
also meant that, after the great drought that we carry and after this long hot summer bridge, the flora as it looked a bit "off" the dust of the road the demotion, abounding examples as the savin, pad nun juniper and occasional star of single issues of the snow. Months ago, surely could have found also, in all its splendor, and foxglove evergreen specimens, including the fragrant mountain tea.
Before arriving at the base of Cerro de la Morra, we passed the Collado of Sabinillas, offering the key to the farmhouse of the stove. But today we stayed here and with one last rodeo from left to right, crowned the summit of the Morra . Rocks give us strong as a table for the provisioning and deserved rest.
Flex Without uttering the word, if we fell asleep as advertised, and we were losing all these charms, we give a 360 º to digital and captured between otros los que ante los ojos destacan: al norte la Loma del Maitena; al Sur el Barranco de San Juan; al Este el Puntal de Vacares, la Alcazaba y el Veleta; al Oeste los Peñones de San Francisco y el Albergue que han pintado de rojo y blanco como reclamo de la vista.
El regreso lo hacemos por el mismo camino que nos trajo y con el IVA añadido de que todo lo que bajamos ahora había que sudarlo. Menos mal que el coche estaba donde lo dejamos…
Como siempre dejo algunas fotos del regalo. De ese que nos ofrece la naturaleza y sin pedirnos nada a cambio. Sólo ser respetuosos con lo que nos vamos encontrando y con el camino que nos hallamos.
Y de aquí hasta la próxima y ese sueño con el ave azul, que nos wakes up at half past seven to take one after another ... and with the desire and the hope that that never stops ticking of the steps!
-Route: Granada - Km.35, 200 of the A-395 (Carretera de Granada to Sierra Nevada) in the vehicle. Collado del Diablo, San Francisco hostel, Barranco de San Juan, Acequia Hole Bridge, Collado of Sabinillas, Cerro de la Morra and Depth of the bowl. Return: versa.
-Number of participants: 2
-Difficulty: Medium-Low
-Duration: 4 hours (5 hours included refreshment, rest and shot at close range of digital)
-Water: Barranco de San Juan.


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