Sunday, November 19, 2006

Husband Breast Feeding In Islam


The idea came to me and boiling inside this old coffee maker: go by successive points of contact with rocks or Cubles various trails that exist in our province of Granada to make a tour , route or journey together and encourage the experience. So there I got down to work, I made several calls, I contacted various (o) s until the end, this, the Cane, and through its President Rafael Morales ( Rafic for friends), is opened our arms to them accompany her where they had organized, according to program the day today, and then relive and story, and before the smell of pine, green, cool blue water, the smell of snow slipped from my hands.
The output by bus from Albolote (Granada ) around 9:00 in the morning and head to Huéneja (about 90 km. Away), taking the A-92 and diverted by the output 321 and that after about 9 km. some of it leaves you in the same town of Granada. Township
Huéneja , to 1,174 m, is located on the border with the province of Almeria. The town is nestled between two ravines and composed of neighborhoods and centers inhabited as Cuevas, Huertezuela Season. In addition to its historical heritage, as are the Arab baths and the parish church, its tourism is completed with the possibilities offered by the environment. Are also several water sources with medicinal mineral properties. Provides a multitude of paths and trails have direct contact with nature, hiking and mountain biking.
The origin of the town dates back to prehistoric times, but it was not until the Middle Ages when its inhabitants left evidence of their stay in these lands. Then proceed to his name place names, derived from the Arabic " wana'ya" . Versions agree that translates as "lira", referring to the arc of ninety degrees to form the cut edges of which overlooks the town.
But back to our own, and today we are dealing with steps and legs, and that after getting off the bus, about 10 o'clock in the morning, we left at the junction that leads to the Recreation Area or Molino Bajo Los Castaños of Huéneja.
Upon reaching it, and after a couple of miles short of stretch of paved road, we left with our own Molino Bajo with aged stone facade, recently restored, and which gives its name to the recreational area is surrounded by a few meters of majestic chestnut trees and where we can add also, from the back of it to the famous Route des Moulins.
At this place, have the residents of the village, they burned witches in antiquity. Thus, if the brown burn only inside was a witch, while if the woman was burned entirely innocent, but was too late to save her. But ... what about the bar where they served these potions? It was still closed and will leave a door hanger hook, the "book and complete " for the return.
continued now for a broad road-road out, heading south from the very playground, from the bit next to the sign next to a beautiful wicker, pointing to the nearby Ferry Huéneja just above our heads and to the right. Road would become a forest track and not abandon and walk almost everywhere.
The flora that have been left behind, full of olive trees, oaks, chestnut trees and Mediterranean vegetation, as we move forward and we observe the separation of the layers in the mountains, the crops give way to the Aleppo pine and slate; indicating that we are in a high mountain area and taste with a stop to the delight of another view and rest of the hump. To our right we left a blackish dirt track leading to a security gate counter-fire.
The track flows into the River next birth and starting from Jerez crosses the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe Marquis, it is the Marquis Forest Road. Upon reaching the junction, take that down to our left and leads directly to the River Huéneja Izfalada or . Here we have a short stop to regroup and take a snack next to the existing cascade in this cool place known as the Breast Nogueras.
say that so far we have come within Natural Park of Sierra Nevada, although nothing would fall within the National Park as will cross the line, whose limit is said rail and uphill.
continued our march and arrived at Arenas Collado, more popularly known as Seven Ways and point where the boundary between Huéneja, in Granada, and Finance, in Almeria. We continued the climb, leaving behind the Boar's Hill (1,862 m) to our left hand, the firewall long now before the view is our fuse that would ignite. Behind it are some members of the group who would not give back the shower., But the view from above have their reward: to our left we see yonder the Calar Alto in Almeria with its tiny white to the eye and observatory, from the front and from right to left, Peñones Noon (2,341 m.) and diffusely snowy Hill mortar intuited by those outstanding 2,517 m. and its double summit, behind us, if we turn around, all the Hoya de Guadix and Charcher people alone, and calling for us empadronásemos. The flora changes completely here as height increases, the most abundant and rascaviejas broom. Total
that after a few strides more of a firewall to another, and after a return to the ring, taking a path to the left, we stand on 14:30 pm, a couple of miles of rope in front of the front door of the Doctor Bivouac Shelter / El Roble with 2,000 m. point above sea level and we take these exciting pulse that we had in our homes as horizons and landscapes.
The shelter is located in the Comarca del Río Nacimiento on the head of it and in the eastern slope of Cerro de las Culebrillas . It has a capacity for 12 people. Banks and has a fireplace and there is a ravine and stream source about ten minutes away.
We make here the corresponding stop for supplies and such comments about the sharp rise we've left behind our spine. And that Maroto (organizer of the route) and who is not had no gasoline. Super unleaded! Go go mecha explosive mixture! But no, it was worth it! And there was this salt, now converted into snow and that moves us and renewed every week.
The return would do the same path that brought us, except that it was and everything, why not, "downhill" and gauge we even do a bit of rafting, this trip with mushrooms, and to find Huéneja the river again by removing a few lines to the map and that bit of rest for the legs of that lane monotone beginning. And would only run its course downstream, crossing from one side to another of its margins (from right to left) and take another track that leaves us, after a path down from the height of a magnificent estate surrounded by magnificent chestnut trees, located above the Lower Mill Recreation Area. Once there, as that responsible for the bar did not give the width to soothe our throats and that we leave before the poster of "here we go and back to back" with the dust rose.
Well, that, Rafael, Maroto and the other components of the Staff Peña, who was a pleasure to join, walk among you, and surely, we will to meet. Until next time, then, and we'll talk. Cheers and see ya!
- Hits: From Albolote (Granada) on the A-92, exit 321 - to Huéneja coach. Return: vice versa.
-Itinerary: Huéneja, Lower Mill Recreation Area, Forest Road, River Huéneja, Collado Arenas, Firewall, Dr. Refugio.
-Path: linear
-Number of participants: \u0026lt;50>
-Difficulty: Medium
-Time: 7 pm (4 1 / 2 hours up and about 2 1 / 2 hours down)
-Water: River Huéneja, but it is recommended to carry.


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