Sunday, January 10, 2010

Ice Cream For Upset Stomach


I left in 61 to 28 years. Now I have been in Paris 48 years. A lifetime. There the children arrived, training, work ... there I'm fine. Life does not treat me bad. Understand me, so I could not get here I found it in France. Is that times were hard. The age of migration. When there was nothing here to do (not only in Andalusia, but throughout Spain) and France, Germany, Switzerland ... gave us some opportunities we had here. In this way, working as ripped immigrants, raise half of Europe. A bit like what is happening here now.

When I was four houses was Armilla district: Napoleon, "Charcones", the central street, the "Chorrillo" and little else. It was an agricultural village more than anything else, so my childhood was playing in the pure field, going to "run", swimming in the canals and my youth in a small small town ... so when I found myself in a very large city and having no idea of \u200b\u200bthe language, which is very important as one can imagine, because a huge impact. The first years spent with many hardships. There, in Paris, there were many Italian, Polish, some German ... working hard and going fatigue, especially at first. Looking for a better quality of life. Now I understand when you come here those of the boats. Imagine without knowing anybody. With a sense of loneliness among people, which is the worst. Year my wife came with me and things slowly began to change. Time passes and you think your circle or friends, family, colleagues. I joined a football club. I know the country (we took advantage of small permits to travel from one side to another). I became more open because you know the travel and see other forms of life will expand the horizons day ..... So I gave adapting to me and now I tell you, here and there.

My life is already done in Paris, but despite everything I have always a nostalgia a special bug inside me that I speak of my people. Armilla. So .. every year like clockwork in the summer, I return to my country .. When I worked, I came a month each year. Now. Now with the retirement ... three months ..

of the things I miss when I'm in France is the sun, the weather ... There is almost always raining and cloudy. When the sun is a warm sun, dull, dull if that force as it looks here, things seem to sing with joy when you give a ray of our blessed sun.

also miss knowing people. Here in Armilla, my people, because going down the street waving to one and all, as if we one big family. There, in France, that's nothing. You feel invisible.

meals, do not miss my wife demasiadota always made English food .... and also there are English club that got together and organized activities, such as paella. (There is in Paris a Valencian paella makes a very good), and then the accordion, dance ... etc.

And that's all. This small story of Valentine, a round man "... I could tell you much more but would lack ...¡¡ newspaper pages!

A selection of Alvarez Riesco Valentine memories.

Photos: Valentine's Day with a group of friends and his wife, also of our people, Trinidad Lafuente, Armilla, before his departure for Paris.




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