The alarm clock with a metal and not pleasant to my ears. I remember the mother zero the device and the sixth beep decide it is time to rise. I look out the window and I see that is an especially rainy Thursday. Hate
Thursday, in my 18 years of life only bad things have happened there. On 18 April nine years ago my mother suffered a car accident the next day (a Thursday) my mother's heart stopped. One year later (Other Thursday) my father dead of grief decides to take his life, leaving behind her two daughters in need of love.
It was not all bad, we moved to town with the grandparents. sure you will be thinking "poor girl, that child harder." But I never liked to inspire pity, I am telling you this because it is an important factor to understand my twisted personality . Why
where I was? Ah yes! it was raining. Unlike my fellow Galician, I hate the rain, I was embedded in the skin and holding me strong for not being able to move freely. Above may be an exaggeration but the truth is not pleasant to be soaked.
My room is a mixture of things broken and dirty stuff. Although, if you're lucky, underneath all that you can find a piece of clean clothes to wear. But do not forget, today was Thursday. So after posting the drawer underwear and not Find yourself a couple of matching socks and most importantly clean I opted for a mismatched that were clean by chance, one was pink and blue stripes and one blue and bears . At this point combiene clear that the cleaning was not my thing.
process costume was more or less the same. As always arrived late to class and I am behind all trying to get anyone noticed me. The teacher was a heavy guy could not explain a curve offer, if you ask what we like. When they pass arrives at 10:30 pm and drag Naomi. He sits next to me and ask me what has been lost. Face looked at him "no woman" and continues to spend the morning. At one tired of rants teachers, who are not interested in teaching but in the end the lesson and take coffee, I decided to follow suit and go to the cafeteria. I do not drink coffee , I hate but juice pineapple pirra me. Naomi has the same idea that I, as always, 5 minutes late, sits next to me.
- So Arjona has decided to comprehensive examination. Ains if I could embrace as a stuffed animal and strangled it the happiest woman in the world.
- Jaja murderers instincts more developed than you this morning. Normally you want to leave unconscious. Sabela
-mm and tell you this ....
- Saying women.
"You all stained shirt toothpaste, I had said before but I was looking for a boy.
looked for my shirt and stare at pictures. I have the black shirt smeared toothpaste especially in the chest area. And I with these pints 3 hours and this without saying anything.
- Noe when I clean I'll kill you.
"I will.
I wear the jacket as I can to cover up my artwork and leave the bathroom shotgun. I confess that my start was not elegant, nor happy ending tube. Collision with a boy, I drop everything and opens my jacket. Looks at me and laughs .
"If you stop and help me laugh you do a good deed.
"Sure, but I'm not a good Samaritan. Goodbye Ah! nice shirt.
After the accident I turned around and I see Naomi coming with me and the kid going off , "nice ass" I think. Tia
go blow as taken, although your choice of guy I approve yes yes. "Hush
I clean the bathroom me as I can, then back to class and I sit in the back row. The law professor says that abortion is wrong and compares it with the murder of a woman by her partner. After that disconnect from the class and go to my Yupi worlds. Suddenly, someone asks me if I can make room and when he looked up for I see that the answer is cocky.
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