Thursday, October 14, 2010

How To Make A Costum Car On Midnight Club La


A Selection of Valentine memories Alvarez Riesco

; There were two "romanilla" in our town that did not coincide in time. There would be auctioned the "pescao" coming of Motril. One was near the current "Peace Park" in kioskillo of a man they called "Poison" (Man who then put a bar in the main street). The other "romanilla" was at the mouth of Granada Street, next to the door of the bar "Branches", which today is the churros kiosk. They unloaded the truck coming from Motril cargaditos of fresh fish. The "pescaeros" Armilla and all around (Gabia, Churriana, Alhendín, Ogíjares ...) came with their bikes to stock up well in the auction. Later that same bicycle, laden with boxes, was the vehicle used for street vending. It was quite a show the transfer originated right there tomorrow. Many children were going to help with this task and they, our friends and they gave us in return a "puñaíllo" from "pescao" which went straight to our homes ... A pot!.
People with jingles and we rejoiced in the morning cries ("The mackerel, sardines, japutaaaas!) And fish wrapped in newspaper from a cloud of flies. I am reminded, as if it were yesterday, to Luis "the donkey pescaero" . When this man had "All sold pescao" went to the bar "Kiki" to count the profits as they drank a little wine style "Calañas (tintorro the cork had a" tap ") then went for people, Alhendín. It was quite a sight to see about two in the afternoon, almost asleep and on the donkey, who had memorized the way, way "up front" little way of Alhendín.
Victorian Alhendín also, Luxury was the fishmonger, a "pescaero" and "finest." Was specialized in the streets and houses in the center. We'd say the "pescaero of the rich." The Victorian this was a character well castizo zarzuela with his cloth cap and his innate gallantry. Chop, simpaticote, good looking and a joy filled teeth enviable street with their speeches and compliments, making a charming element of the urban landscape armillero.
also remember , Gonzalo, which stood on a street corner Granada, the poor had a traffic accident and died right there on the plains, and "Manolo the Rubic's" Rosario provided with your trailer pescadito cargadito iron rich (his unmistakable cry "Boqueroncillos vivoooooos "!!!)¡, and his son Jaime " that of Tarrana " ... was also" Manolo " sold in the mornings fish with his bike and in the afternoon had his ice cream business, right in front of the three crosses ... .. now from a distance that gives the time and space, to all those people I thank you because, day by day, a little sea brought to my childhood.

PHOTO: Sale of fish 60's Armilla. On the right, with beret, Manuel "The Crispin" and in the center Jaime "El Tarra." Pepe Morenilla file.

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