Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Orlando, Fl Gloryholes


By Julio Catalá

I talk about some very special people in late 50 or early 60s When I was a Kid 8 or 10 years, were important and essential part of the human landscape of Armilla.

- The the Garbancillo was the most popular among children (I still remember the motto: "the porridge," he said). He carried in one hand, a basket of straw covered with white cloth on the inside filled with roasted chickpeas and on the other hand a bag of raw chickpeas. Inside the basket a square wooden cubiletillo, it seems that I'm seeing, which served as measure for the swap. Hearing their cry, "and veeeennndo Garbancillo caaambio hot!" Time's neighbor came to the door with raw chickpeas. Then the measured and sent back to the lady roasted chickpeas same measure, while crude oil were released into the sack. The gain was that the pea, the tan, the volume increased so did was always less than what she received ... but despite it all came out happy with the operation it was a good plenty of delicious Garbancillo which you take home ready to be eaten by the whole family.
The tinsmith was another peculiar character ("The hojalaterooooooo!) the people attending were broken or perforated pots, pans, urinals .... or other utensils bathed "in porcelain." Required professional sat on the sidewalk with his Infernillo of coal (which had already been on) the welder (wooden handle your piece of twisted wire and the copper wedge) and of course, the tin bar Once hot and being supported by the tool to repair, did it stay like new and without any pores. On occasion, when the hole was too big .... Had some small plates tin soldering around the hole, thus repairing pileup in question to their owners happy, active life again.

- A beloved character was I call "tools repairman several" . wandered up the street and down the street with his slogan: "umbrellas are arranged, lebrííííllos .... It tightens mats!" Let's clarify the question: Of course the only umbrella rods were arranged beforehand that he was collecting ; of umbrellas and unused and the lovingly kept in a media of various sizes. The bowls, plates and springs that are broken and should be thrown away if not for this "remiendatodo" with great skill and expertise of the rear lañaba (previously made tiny holes with hand auger), leaving imperceptible break from the front. Finally, there was another of his specialties, the stiffening of the mats. These were the piers, but the old spring, a coiled wire enmadejamiento that the use was sinking inevitably ... then the good man, with a skill worthy of all praise, engaging screws and turnbuckles and the mat was like new, we could get one or to jump over the springs resist another good season, ensuring a pleasant dream (as long as the mattress outside husks, of course, because sung for a long stretch of mattress you have, the leaves of pussy pricked you and you kneeling on all sides.

And end this brief account of distant memories, can not fail to mention those two women disseminators of news s who were engaged on payment of four shillings by the relatives of the deceased, to go house to house warning of death, hours of funerals, funeral Masses and other events relating to death ("Let I come to warn you that is dead "Fulanito", "Let the mass of" Somebody's niece "is tomorrow at 5.")

Teachers lost jobs that gave them the objects a second, third or fourth life. Professional exchange. Women who, from top to bottom the people, exercising the messenger ... with these four letters I wanted to rescue you from oblivion and give the value you deserve those jobs lost yours.

F Photographs: Welder at the time, owned by the author of this chronicle
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