Sunday, October 26, 2008

Modeling Clay Chavant

The Red Journal, Tony Blake

Title: Red Journal
Author: Tony Blake
Editorial: Talisman
Genre: Romantic
Erotica Starring: Lauren Ash & Nick Armstrong
Plot: Lauren Ash
daughter of a wealthy businessman has decided to repaint his luxurious home. What I never imagined that he was hired for the job is Nick Armstrong. This has a deep hatred for Henry Ash and who blame him for the disgrace of his family. He also feels a kind of aversion face Lauren because she has had all kinds of privileges that he and his brothers were private.
Nick at first does not take the job but eventually agrees.
The first time you see can not be more sensual. And from that moment will feel an irresistible attraction.
Lauren One day Nick comes up in his house and catches the attention a book with red covers. When you read what is written here is surprised and a little feeling of guilt I still read every day he can.
Nick's affection will change to attract love. And the fantasies contained in the red day will come true to win Lauren.
But: "Lauren will forgive
Nick that their privacy had been violated in such a way?

Personal opinion:

enough and I liked the book hooked me as I read it in one night. To me erotic novels but I do not like this has been a pleasant surprise. It's in the environment a beautiful love story. Although the background story is a bit trite, little rich girl, poor boy rich daddy to little girls of 20 years.
is not a book with "a lot" erotic charge to this subgenre. And the truth is that I was expecting triplets, cursing and very few credible situations, but successfully, it was not.
The star made me a bit of nerves with its complex of people think it is as a close friend. And Nick thought that Laura only saw him as a "commoner."
What did I have to admit that the pages of the red star and I only read one other I break because I did not add anything to the development of the novel.
I would like the author tie the loose ends that left. The relationship Dhabi, younger brother Nick with psychological problems, a supermarket worker in a wheelchair. And Elaine, sister of the protagonist, with a man.

Global Note: 7

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

What Is A Good Score On The Nln

I missed you and you did nothing to calm my restlessness. Were too far away. Remember your good manners, I was doing the kind words and your eternal smile. I closed
eyes and cried. Every tear shed meant nothing. You kept away. I wanted to hold you close to me, and tell you importate chincharte you were.
remembered the first time I saw you. You sat alone, were surrounded by strangers but were quiet and observing everything carefully. At that moment I knew that you would be my friend. I knew as clearly as I brought my 14 years.
The Guardian digress for one hour. I did not attended to what he said was too absorbed in my thoughts. When I finish the class I come to you and introduce myself. That was the beginning of our friendship.
I huddled in the small space sofa and recalled the times when we laughed at the bad Samuel jokes, and listened to the plans that we conducted Carlos and I and that in most of the time fighting ended in absurd, as with his easy laugh Jorquiera soften the environment and your inability to say no. Dragons were the dreamers tireless, courageous and willing to fight the fight the other.
When reminded me envy that Samuel and I felt wonderful gift for your smile. We were not able to make a decent face while your in minutes to a beautiful picture.
Remember recess in the library? As Sueiro came to bother us and freak out with bad manners and class after you were spending our attention because in the background also was one of us.
The fatal fall playing volleyball where dignity I slipped my own pants and I dropped the ball across the face. As you all reísteis me and to the absurdity of the situation I joined the laughter as a few hours later he had to walk with a collar.
The last day I saw you. We were in the pavilion. It was the last set of a volleyball game and I left you with a simple goodbye. There were no words of appreciation, and hugs and a lot less tears of longing.
always remember you, forever be my soul mate and never open another until then.
Tears run down my face, but now regret it can not with me, and I'll see you in your eyes I can see the excitement of meeting again.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

My Bmi Is 28 Am I Fat?

Still remember you love in the Castle, Christina Dodd

Title: Love in the Castle
Author: Christina Dodd
Editorial: RBA
Genre: Historical Romantic
Starring: Alisoun of St. Georges and David Radcliffe

1 º novel in the series Knights. Running
the year 1252 and Lady Alisoun is threatened and his life is in danger. Alisoun pupil has been kidnapped, her cat was cruelly removed and an arrow threaten life for that reason the young hero seeks to David of Radcliffe to protect his property and his life.
The first impression of the young is not very good. Meets a disgraced hero, drunk and in bad shape. But it does offer the post as the power and fame of his name still survive. David
Alisoun generosity to accept the job. Do not quite know who has to protect the young and think you are imagining it but the money does not hurt. Your people are hungry and you have not seen his daughter.
The first time you see the beautiful property Alisoun decides that seduce and marry her but I did not expect is that he fell for her fall. Rating

I was expecting more of the book and even has fun and funny parts left me more cold. Becomes heavy at times, and among them there is great chemistry.
Alisoun is "virgin widow" oldest in England. What I would have liked is that the authors explain the reason. She is a cold, control your feelings and with an iron hand directs your property. It is slowly falling in love David but he knows that the only thing that matters is his fortune.
David was the champion of Henry but I have that title was taken away in a struggle for a young gentleman. He knows that is not the great warrior who once was. What I liked about this character is the great love for his daughter and how it's treated with great affection and kindness. The secondary characters are
quite interesting. We can point to Sir Walter that will have great significance and is responsible for the safety of Alisoun. Philippa Alisoun the personal maid and a great friend. Lady Edlyn which has its own book.

Global Note: 6.5

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Wedding Invite Funny Wording

The Painted Veil, W. Somerset Maugham

Title: Author
The Painted Veil: W. Somerset Maugham
Publisher: Pocket Zeta
Genre: Novel
Starring Kitty Garstin

Plot: Kitty Garstin
is a young snob who sole purpose in life is to make a good wedding. But Kitty has reached age 27 single, and her many suitors are reduced. Her younger sister, less graceful beauty, marry Kitty with a baron and worried that her sister married before she accepts the marriage proposal of Walter Fane, a bacteriologist who is extremely intelligent and predicted a great future. Shortly after she married, moved to Hong Kong where you have a placid existence until he meets on his way Charlie Townsend, handsome, smart and superficial. Kitty him maintain an adventure. But Walter comes home one day earlier than usual and discover the deception of his wife. Walter gives you two choices: go with him to an inland area of \u200b\u200bChina affected by cholera or convince Charlie to divorce his wife and marries her. Following the retirement of Charlie Kitty has no choice to travel with her husband to a destination that will surely offer you death. Here Kitty
understand what life really is, people know that every day provides all you need to help others and become someone else. Rating

When I picked this book I thought it was a romance novel but read the first pages I realized my mistake. It is a book about human ambition, frivolity and hypocrisy of the upper classes, the hardship of ordinary people and especially the valuation of human life.
Kitty is the most stupid, vain and shallow that I have read but still has a charm that makes you fall in love. We see a young girl her mother has taught that their main goal is to marry well. Aware of her charms happens every season with the idea rejected suitors who are not their height until her sister agrees with a son and marries Walter desperate.
little can be said of Walter. He is a man besotted with his wife, shy, intelligent and extremely quiet. Al knew whom to marry, a woman brought only superficial good humor, and her pretty face. You could say that is a man without character, but we would be deceiving. Upon learning of the deception of his wife decides to take revenge and do it in the worst possible way. Taking her at death's door.
The secondary characters are wonderful and they all contribute greatly to the novel. Passing by the nuns who teach humility and self sacrifice to Kitty, Charlie is the man echo conceit, Waddington with his charisma and humor brings joy and distracts Kitty in the land affected by cholera.
Although sometimes rather heavy to me the novel is quite good and highly recommendable. I really liked the end though it is bittersweet and very emotional.

Global Note: 6

Were Can I Buy Nike Greco Supreme Shoes

Pleasure for Pleasure, Eloisa James

Title: Pleasure for Pleasure
Author: Eloisa James
Editorial: Manderley
Genre: Historical Romantic
Starring: Josephine Garrett Langham Essex, Earl of Mayne

Plot: IV
novel of the Essex sisters.
Josie is the last of the Essex sisters still unmarried. And thanks to Darlington, noble with great imagination to invent hurtful nicknames, maiden would surely another season. His nickname is none other than "Scottish Sausage" and Josie is very bad and even worse wearing a corset horrible which makes it seem it is not. A woman without form and grace. Garrett
Langham finally found the love of your life or so he thinks. It is a French with a perfect manners, a celestial beauty and a bit frigid. At every opportunity that presents itself delight to show what love is and how perfect is Sylvie de La Borderie, his fiancée. In a dance
Josie feels terribly hurt by the taunts of which was desperate victim and leaves with Garrett. Come home from this and go to a nice room where Garrett gives some very useful tips to catch a husband. Josie
successfully follow the advice of his mentor and soon will have an entourage of suitors at her feet. But an event that changes everything and ended Josie married to the last man to be imagined. Rating

is a very entertaining novel with a well-worn argument and in this genre but the writer knows give a different touch.
Josie is a voluptuous girl and is very self-conscious about her looks. While her sisters and told that Griselda has a nice figure is not listen to them and puts a horrendous corset that distorts its shape.
Garrett is deeply in love with Sylvie. Had only been in love twice and those two women sometimes fell unreachable or not rendered at his feet. This character I liked. Says he is in love with his French but the first change their feelings evaporate.
A nice detail that gives us is the mystery writer of the memoirs of the Earl of Hellgate. Stories of his escapades promiscuous Count striking resemblance to those of Garrett. The author is a mystery to London society. Although the writer has failed to give enough mystery because it shows the clear who is the author of such famous memoirs.
There is also a very nice secondary story. The Darlington Grisel and ABC seemed to me more entertaining than the main characters.
The ending was surprising and very funny. Although totally ridiculous. In summary is a very funny novel with beautiful scenes and funny. Global Note

: 7

Thursday, August 7, 2008

What To Wear To A Sangeet

Lady Sophia's Lover Lisa Kleypas

Title: Lady Sophia's Lover
Author: Lisa Kleypas
Editorial: Byblos
Genre: Historical Romantic
Starring: Sophia Sydney y Ross Cannon

2º novela de la serie de Bow Street.
Shopia Sydney perdió a sus padres cuando ella y su hermano menor, John, eran apenas unos niños. Años después Shopia pierde a su hermano por culpa del magistrado Ross Cannon y queda sola en el mundo.
Toda la vida de Shopia a alimentado un odio por el hombre que provoco la muerte de John así que diseña un plan para vengarse de él: trabajar para él como su ayudante y hacer que confié en ella para que así pueda encontrar la información que lo destruya.
Sir Ross Cannon es un reputado y poderoso magistrado poseedor de una ética increbantable . Trabaja sin cesar y le apodan “el monje de Bow Street” by the celibacy which leads from the death of his wife. But when Ross sees for the first time Shopia feels a great attraction to her and fascinates with its strong character. Gradually
that attraction will turn into something stronger but Shopia Can give his heart to the man who destroyed his brother's life? Rating

cost me much hooked to the book and the first half of the novel I was attracted heavy but then became more interesting.
Shopia has a history quite hard but is a strong and determined woman. She lost her small family and when she opened her heart to a man that the vile deception. Do not want to remarry and its sole purpose is to take revenge on Ross. But when else will know her strong vengeance intention is wasting away and can not stop caring and worrying about it. She knows that a relationship with him is impossible but falls hopelessly.
Ross Cannon is a man that I am very distressed at the death of his wife and has since worked tirelessly. Man of great values \u200b\u200band a big heart. Shopia falls madly in love and fought tirelessly for her love.
The relationship between the characters is very passionate and full of mistrust and secrets. Notably
Nick Gentry secondary character a dark character, full of mysteries considered a criminal and at the same time adored by the masses. It has its own book: The price of love I'm looking forward to reading. Global Note


Monday, August 4, 2008

What Kind Of Hair Does Nicki Minaj Use

Next on my list, Jill Smolinski

Title: Next on my list
Author: Jill Smolinski
Publisher: Vergara
Gender or Age: chik lit
Starring: June Parker and a mysterious boy.
Argument: June
Parker was first to a weight loss program to lose 4 kilos others. As he prepared to go home he saw a girl who had lost nothing more nor less than 45 kilos call Marissa Jones. He offered to take her because the poor girl was wearing a shoe that was very sexy but also very uncomfortable. While June were in the car and began talking animatedly and Marissa when Marissa took off his belt to achieve a taco soup recipe had a car accident. June Marissa survived but unfortunately failed. June
feels guilty about what happened and most in a depression. Six months later decided to go visit the grave of Marissa and there meets her sister, Troy and
by careless confesses that his sister had made a list of things to do before the age of twenty-five. To avoid that Troy is pissed with her for not giving the list to your family says I keep it to end.
Although never attempted or completed June to anything proposed will do its best to achieve fulfill the dreams of Marissa and complete list "twenty things I must do before the age of twenty-five".

Personal opinion:
I was hooked from the first page and almost ate it. June is a woman of 34 who has spent more time alone than with a boyfriend. He lives on the same floor for 12 years without carrying anything along with his brother. One night her life changes. Has an accident and a woman dies. After 6 months plunged into a depression begins to fulfill the wishes of the girl. This would cause major changes in their lives and begin to see things differently.
is a novel which shows us pretty hard realities (Parents who can not have children, girls as young as 14 who are expecting a baby, leaders who rely more on appearance than talent, ...) but it is still funny and very entertaining.
The secondary characters are all very charismatic especially Susan, best friend of June, and Martucci, coworker. They help in what they can in June to finish the list.
One of the strengths of the novel is that holds us in suspense throughout the novel we do not know if June will be able to finish the list. Also noteworthy is the end that is completely unexpected but wonderful.

Global Note: 8

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Rash In-between Boobs

If you could see me now, Cecelia Ahern

Title: If you could see me now
Author: Cecelia Ahern
Publisher: Vergara
Gender and Age: Romantic
current Starring: Elizabeth Egan and Ivan
Elizabeth is an intelligent woman and a fighter who has an interior design firm in a small beautiful village of Baile na gCroithe in Ireland. She always dreamed to live in New York and working as a designer thing to achieve for a few months but his sister crazy Saoirse Elizabeth became pregnant and tube to go home to take care of Luke, the son of her younger sister.
Although at first thought of giving up for adoption to the little he knew he had to take responsibility for it and try to give Luke a good education.
And for 6 years has lived in a nice house where everything is in place: the forks are in their cubicles, white room remains white even when a child of six at home, ... Elizabeth
give you a hard time in caring for a young child needs and to be unable to give him pain but can not be but a day is in their lives Ivan is a mysterious man who were trained to Elizabeth that life is more than duty and order that can also live with a little desprecaución and spontaneity.

Personal opinion:
In the first chapters I liked very much but to see no hint of a relationship and the lack of dialogue was not able to get hooked but stubbornness kept reading and I was hooked completely when it reaches half of the book. The love story (though eventually he was expected) was very tender, but not the end all we want is also very nice. Ivan
is what we all call an invisible friend and is such a sweet, wonderful and carefree you want to eat you with kisses. Cecelia Ahern gives us a new vision filled with magic invisible friends that many children are in infancy.
Elizabeth is a woman who happened canutas. Small tube to raise his sister because his mother was "going" for weeks, his father was a man who never knew apathetic give love to their daughters. At 18 he is going to school and leaves his father and his sister alone event that cost him a lot but at the end and deserved to live out his life. But time and again his family needs and because of him has missed many opportunities and even her boyfriend.
now is a woman who has entered his thirties who has a business, a nephew and a sister take care crazy to worry about. At first I thought was a very cranky woman and I did not like but throughout the novel I've grown fond.
In short, a book filled with magic, tenderness and love which is totally recommended.

Global Note: 7

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Can Dogs Get Herpes On Their Mouth

Consul's daughter, Teresa Camelle

Title: The consul's daughter
Author: Teresa Camelle
Editorial: Talisman
Gender and Age: Romantic Historic / Arabic
Starring: María Elena Montenegro and Ali
Maria Elena is the beautiful daughter of Consul Alfonso Montenegro . His father must exercise their profession in the Sultanate of Bank where Maria Elena and her family enjoy the sights and culture so different from his native Spain. An evening stroll through the bazaar is set in a mysterious green eyes and from the moment you can not see out of his head.
One night she is kidnapped by a strange man named Ali. He is a man it has beautiful green eyes. María Elena Ali informed the sensitivity of her situation: she has been kidnapped to be offered as a present for Mehmet, Sultan of Banker and join his harem if not obey his family paid the consequences.
Maria Elena is attracted to the tall, handsome Ali but can not forget that he is responsible for his abduction.

Personal opinion: This book is narrated
an excellent shape and a wonderful language but I have not hooked to the story and sometimes cumbersome because I could not believe it. Do not understand why she is able to love the man who kidnapped and given as a present for an old green and above does not tell the reason for such action.
I have suffered much by Maria Elena in the morning to night goes from being the darling of the Consul Alfonso Montenegro to be a slave. She does everything it can to secure his release but unfortunately it fails and is taken along the Sultan. It's a fascinating character and I loved it. Just crying and wallows in self-pity knows that it does not fix anything. Is a fighter and holds a big heart.
Ali is a complex character. María Elena kidnapped but was deeply sorry at all times and swears that no harm. It is a mysterious man who has strong reasons to kidnap the star.
The love story is very tender and passionate.
The secondary characters are very good for example Adman brother of Ali, the sister of Maria Elena Mercedes and a great lover of books. I also liked the character of Mehmet is an old man they say killed his brother and the male offspring so he can be the sultan. But a strange curse hanging over him since he did not and can engender sons.

Global Note: 5

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Muscle Spasms & Stroke

Sabrina: 1 - World : 0, Rebeca Rus

Title: Sabrina: 1 World: 0
Author: Rebeca Rus
Editorial: Essence
Gender or Age: Chick Lit
Starring: Sabrina and a mysterious man.

Sabrina is a young creative who works at an advertising agency. Never has worked hard in their work and after a few years in the company receives a harsh lesson. One of his jobs is rejected for lack of quality and decides to change his life and become the best publicist in Spain and the world.
The opportunity to change is presented when organizing a contest to choose the best campaign to promote a new perfume Decandence. This time Sabrina will strive and will draw its head a great idea but not have it easy because for that will have to leave the messenger, their shirking to the cafeteria and miss area cuentas y también tendrá que enfrentarse a puñaladas traperas por parte de sus compañeros y superiores.

Opinión personal:
Es un libro fantástico escrito con mucha originalidad y sobretodo muy exagerado. Pero esta novela tiene algo muy diferente a otras del género que es que está ambientada en España, escrita por una escritora española y una protagonista con un carácter muy a lo español. Cobrar el sueldo todo los meses tratando de hacer el mínimo trabajo (¿no es el sueño de toda persona?) pero eso cambia. Decide que es hora de trabajar y hacer la cama todolos días.
Sabrina es una joven de 26 años que trabaja lo mínimo para recibir un sueldo poco sustancioso with paying your compulsive shopping at Zara and share a flat with two crazy girls Ana and Candela. Sometimes I entered spanking wanted the protagonist to be put batteries and work while they mature.
The secondary characters are highly exaggerated and they all have a humorous very strong through the roommates, co-worker (Monica), Pacheco (a great character and very successful), Nico and her boss does not know exactly as has the face, Daniel fucking sexy and charismatic boss, the desperate mother of Sabrina ...
The love story is beautiful but is rather in the background I assure you that you are going to surprise with the guy who will Sabrina Love.
Although sometimes too well so I thought that scenes of revelry and I were fighting something heavy.
In short, a highly recommendable book for those who enjoy the genre.
Global Note: 8

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Vieos Incesto Italian

The Valley of Silence Nora Roberts

Title: The Valley of Silence
Author: Nora Roberts
Editorial: Essence
Gender and Age: Romantic paranormal
Starring: Moira & Cein MacCionaoith

3 of the Circle trilogy.
Just one month before the Samhain, the day where armies fight of good against evil, and the Circle will be more united than ever. Moira
has managed to get Geall sacred sword which makes the new queen, this entails the responsibility of caring for its people. None of his subjects relent in its efforts to defeat Lilith and his cronies but are aware that you have many losses and few possibilities. Moira
not fight alone with her will Hoyt the sorcerer, the witch Glenna, her cousin Larkin the forms change, the warrior Blair Cein a vampire. After training, fight and make up chores together and are like family. Among them came the love and friendship. This time will be Moira and touched by Cupid's Cein and an impossible love will be born in times of war. Cein
has lived more than nine years and have seen almost all the beautiful places on earth, learn 15 languages \u200b\u200band, unfortunately, going to too many deaths. Since his brother came back to life his world has changed. Used to exist in the shadows and lonely now risking his life for humanity, fighting side by side with people who only recently were mere memory or unknown. Beginning to feel friendship, affection and even love. A love that as you know is impossible. One night decided to move away from the woman he loves, Moira, is to be filed and will seduce you. Both know they can only enjoy each other for a short time and if they can survive Samhain will have to separate the two belong to different worlds, one light and one dark wing.

Personal opinion:
Without a doubt the best book of the trilogy. The love story is passionate, breathtaking and beautiful.
Although Moira or Cein much as we know from the first novel in this trilogy will know their thoughts, feelings and secrets. We'll see how did the love between the couple. Cein
As fighting her feelings for Moira because it is considered to match. Moved my heart, as with many temples hold Cein slights of the servants and family members of Moira. She does what she can to fix it and give his people understand that Cein is a good and that must be respected. Moira loves deeply
to Cein and knows that if she decides to take the first step he never will.
The fight scenes, chases and battle are the best. Sometimes the love story is in the background as has happened throughout the trilogy.
Lilith is a character that I loved. Endlessly bad, cruel and greedy is certainly the best villain I've read lately. Nora Roberts brings a new aspect to the enemy. Lilith puts his French lover and his "son" Davey as one big happy family. Davey prince of the vampire is a sinister character. With the appearance of a young child kills and kills like a game. That boy gave me chills and is truly disturbing scenes.
Lo malo del libro es lo muy previsible que resulta. Se intuye fácilmente como termina el libro tanto en la historia bélica como la amorosa, claro que si resultase de otra manera me decepcionaría profundamente.
En resumen es una trilogía fantástica que recomendaría a aquellas personas que le guste la novela romántica como la novela fantástica.

Nota Global: 9,25

Monday, July 14, 2008

Blank Driving License

The Dance of the Gods, Nora Roberts

Título: El Baile de los dioses
Autora: Nora Roberts
Editorial: Esencia
Género o Época: Romántica paranormal
Protagonistas: Larkin & Blair

Segunda novela de la trilogía el Circle.
Whenever lack least for the struggle of good and evil and the Circle is getting ready to fight Lilith and her minions.
Before embarking on the trip to the Circle will Geall small attacks Lilith's lair with the intention of getting
disturb and release many of the hostages under their power.
After some trouble to travel to get there and get Geall Circle must convince and prepare the people of Geall. You do not have easy because they do not believe in demons who suck the blood of living beings.
In the midst of battles, death, blood and destruction these six friends must be stronger than ever to prepare against what's next.

personal rating:
I liked much more than the first. The love story is better developed and more action and adventure.
The players are very good:
On the one hand we have Blair expert vampire hunter. In the first novel shows us a woman as tough and ruthless fighter. In this novel we see that Blair also has a heart and this is bruised by the two men most loved in life. His father never concealed his dislike her because she was chosen to be the hunter and not his brother. The train as best he could and when Blair came of age was not just to say goodbye. His ex to find out the qualities Blair let it's supernatural and deeply wounded. All this leads to Blair to expect no more love from a man but Larkin will show otherwise.
Larkin is a change from very small forms and has been able to perfect his gift. It's a nice man, sensitive and ABC a little childish. It is also loyal, a tireless campaigner, a great warrior and very impulsive, which will take you to get into trouble and even be badly hurt.
Their relationship began as a simple friendship but their relationship gradually moving more and more. It is very tender but a bit slow.
The secondaries are the same as in the first book. The Hoyt and Glenna relationship matures. And the writer gives us some clues what is the relationship between Moira and Cian (novel I'm looking forward to reading).
Note Globa: 9

Friday, July 11, 2008

Can U Customize Your Own I Heart Boobies Bracelet

Morrigan's Cross, Nora Roberts

Title: The Cross of Morrigan
Author: Nora Roberts
Editorial: Essence
Gender and Age: Romantic paranormal
Starring: Hoyt Mac Cionaoith & Glenna Ward

1 º book of the Circle Trilogy
Cionaoith Hoyt Mac, powerful wizard of the twelfth century, is determined to avenge his twin brother, Cein. Lilith, queen of the vampires, has made Cein in one of their own for that reason Hoyt calls for rain and thunder on a cliff where she is confronted with but you can not overcome even if she survives. Battered and wounded
takes refuge in his cabin where through a dream Morrigan charged with the mission of bringing together a group of six to fight the evil led by Lilith. This group will consist of a sorcerer, a witch, a shape-changers, a warrior, a scholar and his brother.
Hoyt is reluctant to accept the mission because that would leave his family unprotected. To appease the goddess creates Hoyt crossings which will protect those who transport against vampires. Hoyt
swift and fast traveling to her family. When night falls should rest because it is badly wounded. That night he dreams of a beautiful woman to heal their wounds. When you wake in the morning you realize that it was a dream. Hoyt
comes home and gives the whole family knowing that the crosses will be the last time you see your family. Nola, her younger sister, he predicts that they'll see and Hoyt moved by the beautiful words of his sister recorded the cross with his name. Morrigan
Hoyt returns to visit and says he has to find his brother in a world very different from yours. Cein
sits in his office when he sees for the first time in 900 years to his brother. After an intense discussion between them he agrees to form a group to defeat Lilith.
This is the first step in forming the group of six and through of different events the group was formed. Some Hoyt's will have to find other has it.
These six people totally opposite to each other will unite to defeat evil and friendship between them grow and in some cases love.

personal rating:
I liked the book that brings together two genres that I love on one hand the romantic relationship between Hoyt and Glenna and other fantasy, the struggle between good and evil, witches, vampires , time travel, magic, ...
Like all Nora Roberts Trilogies in this first novel introduces us to the protagonists of the later books in a bright and develops in a way that we know both of them as if they were the protagonists.
The love story between Hoyt and Glenna is not well developed. In the first chapters we noticed an attraction between them but in a way going to be fleeting attraction to love something that is highly implausible and that disturbs the reader a bit.
Hoyt is a serious, responsible, loves his family and give his life for his welfare. She feels guilty for what happened to her brother. Glenna
is a strong woman, determined, does not support the protective attitude Hoyt takes her and must continually make things clear.
The secondary characters are great and look forward to reading the following. Global Note

: 8.75

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Why Install A Low Loss Heating Header

Petals in the storm, Mary Jo Putney

Title: Petals in the storm
Author: Mary Jo Putney
Publisher: Pocket Titania
Gender or Age:
Historical Romance Starring: Rafael Whitboune & Margot Ashton.

2 º novel in the series Fallen Angels.
We are in a time of great change, at Waterloo Napoleon has fallen and peace is not yet assured, the risk of war is still latent. To do the work of spies is very important. This is the story of one of them.
One of the most efficient spies passing information to Britain's Maria Bergen, Countess Janos. With her beauty and her skill at a time to move among people of high society get valuable information that many countries would like to have. This woman is a mystery, many say it is an English lady, others belonging to the Italian nobility and now appears as a Hungarian countess. Maria Bergen
Margot Ashton (his real name) is tired of life as a spy and has decided to stop and rest in his homeland, England.
Whitboume Rafael (Rafe for closest) is a man with a broken heart. In his youth, deeply love a girl but it broke his heart. This event has been marked for life. It is a cynical person, libertine and that their only links to other people is the friendship he has with the rest of the Fallen Angels.
Lucien, a close friend of Rafe and boss of the Secret Service in England, asks for help to go to Paris to investigate Maria Bergen. Must discover whether it is just fed up with life as a spy or a traitor to the crown.
When Rafe discovers who is the famous Maria Bergen is perplexed. He discovers that his childhood sweetheart is still alive and slowly discovering anger and where the life from the young to the experienced Margot Maria Bergen.
two embark on a mission where the skill of both will be needed and their heart may feel old.

rating personal
is a regular novel, has a story and a plot that promised much but could not take advantage. The initial story is beautiful, a man haunted by an old love and a woman haunted by the ghosts of the past.
The fights between the characters are fun (but exhausted the patience) throughout the novel there are no words of love if not by mutual contempt, both are in love with each other since and last but not able to open your heart. There are loves
side but not given much importance in the novel, we also found a secondary (Margot's former lover and best friend is) a mystery and Robin as described and very smart and brave handsome.
I loved the character of Margot, presents us with a tanned and intelligent woman who is tired of life as a spy.
The male character is the typical aristocrat, sensible, cool, friendly, libertine, never loses control ... until he meets Margot.
In the final pages with all the romance was not in the beginning and it made me sappy and cloying.

Global Note: 6

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Pride and Prejudice, Jane Austen

Title: Pride and Prejudice
Author: Jane Austen
Editorial: Alianza Editorial
Gender and Age: Romantic Historical
Starring: Darcy and Elizabeth Bennet Fitzwillian

In a village in the English countryside and charming live vivad Bennet family with five daughters of marriageable age. Mrs. Bennet wants to marry their daughters with gold singles so they can live comfortably. That after the death of Mr. Bennet's farm will be owned by a distant cousin, a young pastor.
The news of the arrival of a young bachelor with a large fortune revolutionizing the neighborhood. And all the mothers with marriageable daughters want to Charles Bingley, a young wealthy bride chosen as one of his daughters.
Charles Bingley has rented the farm Netherfeld where he plans to live temporarily with his sisters and brother. A few days later will be joined by a new calling, one of the best friends of the said Mr. Darcy. Darcy and Elizabeth Bennet
meet in a public dance. Elizabeth was deeply hurt and wounded pride when he hears talk with his friend Bingley Darcy saying you do not want to dance with her because not considered beautiful enough.
Bingley is quite the opposite of his friend Darcy is a young pleasant, friendly and talkative. Is hopelessly enamored of the young Jane Bennet, the eldest sister.
Among the many discussions and confrontations between Mr. Darcy and Elizabeth Young will emerge an unusual and beautiful love story.

personal rating:
Without a doubt one of my favorite books. It is a simple and beautiful book. The dialogues are simply superb, the plot is simple and very entertaining. The protagonist is strong, with character and without mincing words. The secondary characters are great and charismatic. The bad guys are very good, none of them involve a disproportionate evil and all are very real.
Elizabeth Bennet family comes from a low average and is the favorite daughter of his father. It is a sensible and very intelligent young man.
Darcy is a man of considerable wealth who unwittingly falls in love with Elizabeth. But economic differences, the performance of the unconventional Bennet family and their own egocentrism.
also be appointed to the ever- present Mr. and Mrs. Bennet. The father is an intelligent person with a sarcastic humor and feel a great affection for his daughter Elizabeth. The mother is a woman who could well find a market day openly criticizing the world. It is a very nervous lady and truly unbearable. And that his greatest aspiration is to see their daughters properly married.

Global Note: 10

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's girlfriend Overseas, Arnette Lamb

Title: The Bride of overseas
Author: Arnette Lamb
Publisher: Plaza & Janes
Gender and Age: Romantic Historical
Starring: Alpin Mackay and Malcolm Kerr

Topic: Alpin
Mackay is a Scottish girl that left an orphan becomes a noble pupil grumpy and does not make the slightest attention. Alpin grew up devoid of affection and family. His only consolation was a young nobleman with whom he shared games and pranks. But one of those pranks leaves him too expensive and your tutor decide to send it to Barbados, a sugar plantation where he will spend his teenage years and part of his youth. As a result of time spent there Alpin takes great affection for planting and reaches administered with favorable results, when the tutor is no longer act to do so.
One day his guardian dies and waiting Alpin property to pass to his hands and directing it to greater freedom and also to free the slaves learned that inherited the plantation Malcolm Kerr.
The girl using his wiles to draw a plan to restore the plantation, which will use an important part of seduction. To do this you must return to Scotland, where he was never loved and relied on those who are now his family. Malcolm
of tricks using the tutor gets Alpin lets you inherit the Barbados plantation so forcing the girl to return to where in the past was home and able to get back at her. Malcolm holds a deep grudge for Alpin since being a child is, in one of his many escapades and pranks, he puts in his pants a hive of sheep, which as a result will leave you sterile for life. Alpin
report to his home, as planned Malcolm. And both will implement their plans. You want revenge on the other to retrieve his possessions. But what nobody knows is that love has a plan for them both. Rating

The story I liked a lot. The argument attracted me from the start.
Alpin is just a child when she loses her family and is forced to live with a family just loves him. From the moment she steps Barbados denies his family and slaves and servants of the plantation will be his new family.
Gabriel is a very traumatized the course of its sterility and it takes you to save a deep grudge.

My score: 6

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Daisy returns home, Rachel Gibson

Title: Daisy returns home
Author: Rachel Gibson
Editorial: Byblos / Vergara
Genre: Romantic Contemporary
Starring: Daisy Lee & Jackson Parrish.

Topic: Daisy Lee
fifteen years ago had left the town of Lovett seemingly without clear reasons. Daisy had married his best friend Steven and his people had fled leaving behind the young man who loved Jackson Parrish. But after the death of Steven by a serious illness she will have to solve problems was postponed and one of them will have to do with a Texan very seductive.
Daisy returns to his hometown to deliver a letter to Jackson on her late husband and confess the true paternity of her child.
Jack does not want to see or talk to the woman who broke the heart leaving him and marrying his best friend. But the happy woman is determined to be talking to him and pursues him relentlessly and is found in all sites. Despite their desire for him Daisy is as irresistible as it was fifteen years earlier. He does not want to approach her as she fears for the welfare of his heart and feelings that can revive forgotten thought.
Despite feelings and lies found our protagonists must decide how to act for the child they have in common and if you follow the dictates of their hearts or lock-band.

personal rating:
Although one of the weakest books by Rachel Gibson is still very good and entertaining with a more serious style that wins or plays Jane. The plot revolves around young love, hasty decisions and secrets.
The two actors have a strong character.
Jack is a character that I love. As a young man was the typical thug the girls went crazy. But various obstacles of fate Jack mature to become the man he is now. In this is a man marked by the Daisy abandonment does not want to hear about the marriage.
Daisy escaped from his childhood sweetheart with a secret too big to be confessed.
Daisy, Steven and Jackson were the best friends are very young. Among them there was always a three-way relationship.
chemistry between the actors is palpable. The passion and love of youth still persist despite years of lies.

Global rating: 7.5

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A stranger in my arms, Lisa Kleypas

Title: A stranger in my arms
Author: Lisa Kleypas
Editorial: Byblos / Ediciones B / Circle of Readers
Genre: Historical Romantic
Starring: Lara and Hunter Hawksworth

Plot: Three years ago
Lara has lost her husband in an unfortunate boating accident off the coast of India where he traveled Hunter Hawksworth, Lara's husband, there were no survivors. For his marriage to Hunter Lara was an ordeal, it was a dull and selfish man ever loved and despised for being unable to give him an heir. For Lara's death was a blessing from that because of her husband's relatives live humbly in a small home helping the poor.
But one day the Earl of Hawksworth comes after three years presumed dead to reclaim his title, properties, and of course his wife. His return meant loss of securities and property that went for allegedly killing the guys in Hunter and Lara have to re-join the man he despised. But surprisingly shown the man before her is very different from the man who was in the past. Hunter
conquer the heart of Lara and behaved like never before behaved. Kind and affectionate. But a suspicion haunts the imagination of Lara. Hunter Is the man who claims to be? And if so what should I do?

personal rating:
I loved this novel. The argument is quite simple but the way of narrating as the story unfolds not need big screens and hard knocks. First and foremost is a tender book that talks about second chances (although in this case is not a second chance at all of its meaning)
The characters are superbly portrayed and complement each other perfectly.
Lara is a kind woman and that after the death of her husband has found happiness that never got in their marriage. Their marriage was a living hell. She was vilified and basically a zero.
Hunter is a man who has completely changed since the accident. Unlike in the past now is a caring, attractive, fearless, possessing great patience and is madly in love with Lara.
The way Hunter is conquering and overthrowing the Lara defenses is wonderful.
And the final one of the best I've read.

Global Note: 7

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You are my desire, Michelle Jaffe

Title: You're my desire
Author: Michelle Jaffe
Editorial: Reading point
Gender and Age: Romantic Historical
Starring: Sophie Champion & Crispin Foscari

second novel in the series Champion Arboretti
Shopi man disguises himself to investigate the strange death of his godfather.
After one of their research outputs for the seductive Crispin Foscari find it at the feet of the corpse of an informer who shared them. Crispen
leads to force Sophie to his mansion. They both are committed to finding who the real murderer. To do both will have to write their deepest desires and the Crispen Butler warily keep the papers where they wrote. The first to discover the murderer will be his wish.
The investigation led them through the most remote places in London where the life of Sophie and Crispin will be life-threatening but among them will emerge a passion that will give way to deeper feelings.

personal rating:
The book I liked it. I read the first book left me very dissappointed but this one certainly exceeded and that he had the bar pretty high. It is a wonderful novel with a story full of impossible situations by those who pass our players to uncover the secret that threatens their lives.
The novel is full of funny moments, tender and thrilling. We can observe as much fun as when you burn the room lovers can find in this book or when Sophie is arrested and Crispin spider stick and thinking it's a keeper.
The characters are very charismatic. Sophie is a very intelligent woman that has spent hard time. Have lost their parents during a fire and after the fire was cruelly abused (psychologically) but thanks to his intelligence is his godfather and become partners. He brings her image and the brain.
downside of the book is that the plot can be somewhat messy and hard to follow. With a final argument too far-fetched and very similar to the first of the series Passion in Venice which had no history of the brother of Crispin.
is a real shame not to continue publishing more books in the series and the author as I have really wanted to read the following books in the series and discover Foscari is mysterious cousin who looks after the interests of this particular family.

Global Note: 7

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The Marquis and the Gypsy, Johanna Lindsey

Title: The Marquis and the gypsy.
Author: Johanna Lindsey
Editorial: Swan / Reading point
Genre: Romance Historical / Regency.
Starring: Anastasia & Christopher Malory

The Malory family gathers to celebrate Christmas Haverston. There will encounter a mysterious tombstone of unknown origin which awaken the curiosity of all the Malory and also receive a mysterious gift that can be opened only at Christmas. When they get open they find a book instead of a diary tells the story of Christopher and Anastasia grandparents Malory.
The story of the first Malory tells us how the Marquis he meets a beautiful gypsy who travels with her grandmother with a group of traveling gypsies. When Grandma is going to die recommends to the beautiful Anastasia to be looking for a man who is not Roma and stay by his side to avoid a marriage with the son of the head of the Roma group, which is a cruel man. To do decide to seduce Christopher and get them to wed her. Christopher Malory
immediately fixed on the beauty of the young Roma. For the passion and the state of the Marquis embiragez marries the girl with the sole purpose of carrying bed. Christopher
But when he realizes the scope of their actions is horrified and his young wife moved to London. Anastasia
with the help of a friend of his grandmother play the role of Sir William's niece, friend. And with your help will become the sensation of the season. Christopher
takes the biggest surprise of his life to be at the beautiful gypsy from one of the most successful newcomers and surrounded by a crowd of suitors. Jealousy does not take to see what Christopher idea cause account of their true feelings and should not ignore the conventions of the time.

personal rating:
is an entertaining novel, with very original argument yet simple. This book is weaker than other books in the series but it reads perfectly.
For lovers of this series we learn in this novel of how life has developed some components of this fantastic family Malory and will know how this particular family is possessed of a sweeping blue-green eyes and stealing the hearts of as man or woman dare to lay his eyes on them.

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The heart of the maid, Caroline Bennet

Title: The heart of the maiden
Author: Caroline Bennet
Editorial: Valery
Gender and Age: Romantic Historical
Starring: Lady Anne Darkmoon & Hugh De Claire

2 nd novel Anne
heart saga is the young pupil of the dreaded? Dragon?. In his nineteen years has rejected many suitors for what is known by the nickname Lady No.
Hugh De Claire is a great merchant and a man very attractive. For the love affair with the wife of one of the most important men in Amsterdam is in grave danger. During the night he shared with this woman was drugged and after waking found the body of the young lady. The woman's husband is accused of the murder and is arrested. While in London
Adrian Wentworth, a friend of Hugh, asking for help to King Henry VII. The king did not want to risk the security of their country by one man. But Adrian and Margaret developed a plan to save his friend with the consent of the king. Anne
must agree to marry his first love, Hugh De Claire, to save his life. So with marriage Hugh get the title of Count Darkmoon and the king may demand the return of man to jugadlo in England. Hugh
be surprised to know the identity of his wife. For he was always the nagging? Brat? badgered and persecuted him across the county. Anne has erased from his heart the love child he had by De Claire and not fall at his feet as any maid.
The two strong personalities of the characters inevitably collide until they admit their love for each other. But for that to happen to pass many adventures and misadventures.

personal rating:
I really liked. The plot is very interesting and very promising plot, but could not get all the juice. Should have been much more importance to the issue of murder and show us how the investigation unfolded.
The characters of Margaret and Adrian has a special importance in the work and know how your life has passed.
Anne is a young independent, happy and not like change. Want to find the knight in shining armor but as these men exist only in your dreams is not so rejects any suitor who will not fit your requirements. She has not forgotten and still loves Hugh, but will not make things easy.
Hugh is a fighting man, highly intelligent and attractive (which will not be repeated in the novel). It is very possessive.
The recreation of the era is magnified and research work is beautifully reflected.

Global rating: 7.5

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Lady and the Dragon, Caroline Bennet

Title: The Lady and the Dragon
Author: Caroline Bennet
Editorial: Valery
Gender and Age: Romantic Historical / Medieval
Starring: Lady Margaret Norfolk & Adrian Wentworth

1 st book in the series heart. Lady Margaret
Norfolk is the Duchess of Norfolk. On the death of his father had to protect and manage the Duchy. With the good efforts of the young, the prosperous duchy but are in the midst of a war. Patrick Marlowe is a wasteful, womanizing aristocrat, the be in a dire economic situation decide that the best option is engaged to the Duchess of Norfolk to be with his immense wealth. After continuous rejection of Margaret Marlowe decides to direct its request to the king. Margaret
should go with the king for refusing the proposal of Count crazy. He has not fought so hard for your property flourish to finish in the hands of a player much less profligate person. The Duchess is brought before the king and manages to convince and impress the king. But Margaret has eaten a big mistake, inadvertently left in the hands of the king the power of the promised ideal for her.
The king quickly choose the suitor for Margaret: the choice is none other than Adrian feared that called "the dragon." Adrian is a fierce warrior and bad language (and non too bad) say it is a man without heart and is capable of killing in cold blood. The king feels a strong preference for Adrian and decides to reward his loyalty and his success as a warrior.
At first neither expect other's love. Margaret wants to defend its independence and the property he loves. Adrian does not want anything with the Duchess because he believes to be his height. The clash of two strong personalities and tenacious will offer plenty of tender moments, tense and mostly funny. Both turn in their hearts so heavily protected but the shadow of dark enemies stand between the lovers.

Personal rating:
I loved, had no plans to read it and just wanted to take a look but the novel attracted me so much that I read until the end in English class.
The players are very good. They have great character and very stubborn. She is a very intelligent woman who carries the weigh all of the duchy and managed very well. She is a woman to take up arms and with his good use of language managed to conquer all.
Adrian is a 25 year old that the various events that have happened seems much larger than it actually is. It's very grumpy, quiet and although it does not seem too is kind, funny, ...
The secondaries are very good and not dispense of any missing since if any novel would not be the same. The king's character shows a very human and close. The friends and servants of the couple are very charismatic on all the knights of Adrian and his genuine squire. The bad guys are also wonderful, wildly wicked, selfish, with the madness and just enough good reasons to be credible they are.
The novel is narrated beautifully, with dialogue entertaining and full of spark.
The only negative I found in the novel is that in the last part (about 100 pages) I find it rather slow and abused a lot of hot scenes.
In short it is a great novel. With very common initial plot but as it develops and gets you really can not quit reading. With refreshing characters and especially with some bad almost perfect.

Global rating: 8.5

Monday, July 7, 2008

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The Thorns of Love, Arlette Geneve Contact

Title: The Thorns of Love
Author: Arlette Geneve
Editorial: Valery
Gender and Age: Historical
Starring: Aurora Velasco and Justin Clayton

Topic: Rodrigo de Velasco is in danger to protect his family decides to send his family to England, taking advantage of his niece's father is English. Initially
Aurora wants nothing of his real father but with the arrival of their English brethren teeth scolds access the return journey to England. Accompany Aurora's grandmother Diego our protagonist and the love of Aurora. In a last-minute Mary, grandmother of Aurora, and Diego for various reasons have to travel to France. Aurora comes to England a bit sad to leave his homeland and the absence of their loved ones.
quickly falls in love with her father and her brothers, especially Andrew. But the father she has a surprise not very satisfactory. She has to marry Justin Clayton old agreement by the two families. Justin
initially refuses to marry the English but knows when we are struck by its beauty and strength to change your mind and do everything possible to marry her.

Rating: I liked it, the story is original and very different from those I'm used to. The protagonist in the beginning of the novel is a bit spoiled but as you read you see the evolution that has the character. Is an impulsive girl and that will bring many problems.
Justin makes you want to kill him from beginning to end of the novel, is a very jealous and she's always "bugs" to Aurora. At the end of the novel is redeemed and that won my sympathy (but not enough, my favorite will always be Brandon!)
must appoint all wonderful side, a Scot Brandon disrespectful and very funny, Jaime's brother Justin whenever he appeared on the scene thought as it came This wonderful and Justin as "stupid" and Aurora's three brothers all in their own way adorable.
The only complaint would put the book is the excessive use of proverbs and tag lines that sometimes ended with my nerves (mostly because I'm northern and I'm not used to listen to them and less to say them). A nice detail of the book is the mention of the rock Gribaltar laughed a lot every time I mentioned.
In short, a different and wonderful book, with endearing characters and other not so many and with an ending that leaves us with good taste. Global Note

: 9

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, Deidre Martin

Author: Deidre Martin
Editorial: Talisman
Gender: Conteporanea
Starring: Janna MacNeil and Ty Gallagher

Argument or Pattern: First book in the New York Blades. Janna
hired to improve the image of the hockey team the New York Blades as in the previous season rumors very detrimental to the team's image. After buying the team's new owners want to give Janna much more respectability to the Blades, a difficult task. Janna
initially feels insecure at first glance that the team is a group of brutes and idiots in the protruding Ty Gallagher, two-time Stanley Cup, hard nut to crack. The first time which are already seen differences of opinion of the couple as Ty does not want to hear about charities and Janne must convince them to attend. Gradually Janna will monitor the situation and the boys finishing encontradose comfortable in the position, but falls upon a multitude of problems to be solved with the style that characterizes it. Ty
other hand is concentrating on getting only the third time the cup, but can not stop thinking about the annoying public relations has sworn to be a rock in your shoe.
Among them is a passion and attraction emerge strong enough to eventually develop a special relationship that neither should be allowed but in the background I wish with all his heart. Both decide to keep their relationship secret because Janna could lose his job and only Ty's life revolves around sport and therefore can not allow him any loving relationship besides your only goal, to get so precious cup. Feelings have no place for this relationship can exist only friendship and mutual admiration but never love. But both violate the rule that have been imposed.

Opinion or Valuation: At first the book is very good, shows us the characters beautifully. Janne as a relentless fighter, unsure of herself for various family reasons. Ty a born fighter who only live and breathe the sport. So here goes well, the relationship between them is full of wit and funny situations. But the book does not advance, is at the same point throughout the book, Janne and dumb woman waiting for Ty a little love and the insensitive bastard as focused only on the sport. Against the end of the novel is a bit lighter Ty's feelings but just a little. The end is not far to shoot rockets, rushed and predictable, we might say that illogical.
While we can highlight something positive from the novel, keeps you hooked until the last page and grabs you hopelessly. We must bear in mind that it is the first book of the author.

Global rating: 6.5