Title: Sabrina: 1 World: 0
Author: Rebeca Rus
Editorial: Essence
Gender or Age: Chick Lit
Starring: Sabrina and a mysterious man.
Sabrina is a young creative who works at an advertising agency. Never has worked hard in their work and after a few years in the company receives a harsh lesson. One of his jobs is rejected for lack of quality and decides to change his life and become the best publicist in Spain and the world.
The opportunity to change is presented when organizing a contest to choose the best campaign to promote a new perfume Decandence. This time Sabrina will strive and will draw its head a great idea but not have it easy because for that will have to leave the messenger, their shirking to the cafeteria and miss area cuentas y también tendrá que enfrentarse a puñaladas traperas por parte de sus compañeros y superiores.
Opinión personal:
Es un libro fantástico escrito con mucha originalidad y sobretodo muy exagerado. Pero esta novela tiene algo muy diferente a otras del género que es que está ambientada en España, escrita por una escritora española y una protagonista con un carácter muy a lo español. Cobrar el sueldo todo los meses tratando de hacer el mínimo trabajo (¿no es el sueño de toda persona?) pero eso cambia. Decide que es hora de trabajar y hacer la cama todolos días.
Sabrina es una joven de 26 años que trabaja lo mínimo para recibir un sueldo poco sustancioso with paying your compulsive shopping at Zara and share a flat with two crazy girls Ana and Candela. Sometimes I entered spanking wanted the protagonist to be put batteries and work while they mature.
The secondary characters are highly exaggerated and they all have a humorous very strong through the roommates, co-worker (Monica), Pacheco (a great character and very successful), Nico and her boss does not know exactly as has the face, Daniel fucking sexy and charismatic boss, the desperate mother of Sabrina ...
The love story is beautiful but is rather in the background I assure you that you are going to surprise with the guy who will Sabrina Love.
Although sometimes too well so I thought that scenes of revelry and I were fighting something heavy.
In short, a highly recommendable book for those who enjoy the genre.
Global Note: 8
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