Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Vieos Incesto Italian

The Valley of Silence Nora Roberts

Title: The Valley of Silence
Author: Nora Roberts
Editorial: Essence
Gender and Age: Romantic paranormal
Starring: Moira & Cein MacCionaoith

3 of the Circle trilogy.
Just one month before the Samhain, the day where armies fight of good against evil, and the Circle will be more united than ever. Moira
has managed to get Geall sacred sword which makes the new queen, this entails the responsibility of caring for its people. None of his subjects relent in its efforts to defeat Lilith and his cronies but are aware that you have many losses and few possibilities. Moira
not fight alone with her will Hoyt the sorcerer, the witch Glenna, her cousin Larkin the forms change, the warrior Blair Cein a vampire. After training, fight and make up chores together and are like family. Among them came the love and friendship. This time will be Moira and touched by Cupid's Cein and an impossible love will be born in times of war. Cein
has lived more than nine years and have seen almost all the beautiful places on earth, learn 15 languages \u200b\u200band, unfortunately, going to too many deaths. Since his brother came back to life his world has changed. Used to exist in the shadows and lonely now risking his life for humanity, fighting side by side with people who only recently were mere memory or unknown. Beginning to feel friendship, affection and even love. A love that as you know is impossible. One night decided to move away from the woman he loves, Moira, is to be filed and will seduce you. Both know they can only enjoy each other for a short time and if they can survive Samhain will have to separate the two belong to different worlds, one light and one dark wing.

Personal opinion:
Without a doubt the best book of the trilogy. The love story is passionate, breathtaking and beautiful.
Although Moira or Cein much as we know from the first novel in this trilogy will know their thoughts, feelings and secrets. We'll see how did the love between the couple. Cein
As fighting her feelings for Moira because it is considered to match. Moved my heart, as with many temples hold Cein slights of the servants and family members of Moira. She does what she can to fix it and give his people understand that Cein is a good and that must be respected. Moira loves deeply
to Cein and knows that if she decides to take the first step he never will.
The fight scenes, chases and battle are the best. Sometimes the love story is in the background as has happened throughout the trilogy.
Lilith is a character that I loved. Endlessly bad, cruel and greedy is certainly the best villain I've read lately. Nora Roberts brings a new aspect to the enemy. Lilith puts his French lover and his "son" Davey as one big happy family. Davey prince of the vampire is a sinister character. With the appearance of a young child kills and kills like a game. That boy gave me chills and is truly disturbing scenes.
Lo malo del libro es lo muy previsible que resulta. Se intuye fácilmente como termina el libro tanto en la historia bélica como la amorosa, claro que si resultase de otra manera me decepcionaría profundamente.
En resumen es una trilogía fantástica que recomendaría a aquellas personas que le guste la novela romántica como la novela fantástica.

Nota Global: 9,25


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