Monday, July 14, 2008

Blank Driving License

The Dance of the Gods, Nora Roberts

Título: El Baile de los dioses
Autora: Nora Roberts
Editorial: Esencia
Género o Época: Romántica paranormal
Protagonistas: Larkin & Blair

Segunda novela de la trilogía el Circle.
Whenever lack least for the struggle of good and evil and the Circle is getting ready to fight Lilith and her minions.
Before embarking on the trip to the Circle will Geall small attacks Lilith's lair with the intention of getting
disturb and release many of the hostages under their power.
After some trouble to travel to get there and get Geall Circle must convince and prepare the people of Geall. You do not have easy because they do not believe in demons who suck the blood of living beings.
In the midst of battles, death, blood and destruction these six friends must be stronger than ever to prepare against what's next.

personal rating:
I liked much more than the first. The love story is better developed and more action and adventure.
The players are very good:
On the one hand we have Blair expert vampire hunter. In the first novel shows us a woman as tough and ruthless fighter. In this novel we see that Blair also has a heart and this is bruised by the two men most loved in life. His father never concealed his dislike her because she was chosen to be the hunter and not his brother. The train as best he could and when Blair came of age was not just to say goodbye. His ex to find out the qualities Blair let it's supernatural and deeply wounded. All this leads to Blair to expect no more love from a man but Larkin will show otherwise.
Larkin is a change from very small forms and has been able to perfect his gift. It's a nice man, sensitive and ABC a little childish. It is also loyal, a tireless campaigner, a great warrior and very impulsive, which will take you to get into trouble and even be badly hurt.
Their relationship began as a simple friendship but their relationship gradually moving more and more. It is very tender but a bit slow.
The secondaries are the same as in the first book. The Hoyt and Glenna relationship matures. And the writer gives us some clues what is the relationship between Moira and Cian (novel I'm looking forward to reading).
Note Globa: 9


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