Monday, August 2, 2010

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Nicolás Guillén, Cuba's national poet, was born on July 10, 1902, in Camagüey, the capital of the Cuban province of the same name, son of journalist Nicolas Guillen and his wife Algeria Batista Arrieta, exclusively responsible for the formation of their children from the father, whom the poet evoke much later in his intense "Elegy Camagüey", died at the hands of soldiers who repressed political revolt in 1917. Guillén

Young completed his undergraduate studies around 1919 and started publishing his poems in 1920, working for magazines such as Graphic Camagüey, in his hometown, or Orto, Manzanillo. In 1922 volume of poetry forms a modern style, brain and heart, will come only when, half a century later about showing your Works. Also in 1922 he began studying law at the University of Havana, which soon abandoned classrooms, led by the disillusionment that usher in the poem, "Besides my textbooks," which satirizes the mediocrity of college life he met. The text, published in the inaugural issue of the journal Alma Mater, on whose board included Julio Antonio Mella, controversy has already had some notoriety at the time. Back to Camaguey, Guillen organizes and directs the magazine Lys, and performs various offices, including that of a proofreader, then editor of the newspaper El Camagüeyano. There was in charge of a section, "Pisto Manchego", in which the reporter Guillen mixing topical national or global with the announcement of commercial products. He also was employed by the City of Camagüey.

In April 1930, he wrote his Reasons are that, upon publication in the Diario de la Marina, launched on the celebrity poet not without controversy, but of a broad popular resonance that the music of the texts (for Alejandro García Caturla and Grenet) would confirm. Publication of Reasons are also strengthened its standing friendship with another great poet, also Camagüey: Emilio Ballagas.

In 1931, thanks to winning a lottery prize, can cover the publication of Songoro cosongo; poems mulattoes a book of art and of taller reflective calling on Cuban culture, the subject of an admiring letter from Miguel de Unamuno Guillen, dated the following year.

Between 1931 and 1934, Guillen is gradually maturing his view and analyze the reality of Cuba and the Caribbean. In 1934 Cuba produced in the military coup of Fulgencio Batista: the political and economic situation the country is troubled and is subject to the policy of U.S. intervention. This year, her new poetry collection, West Indies, Ltd. realizes his intellectual growth, which aims to positions increasingly involved and critical about the social and economic imbalance of their country. In 1936 he joined the editorial of the journal Midi, which will run in 1937, with Carlos Rafael Rodriguez as deputy director. Linked to other important cultural and political figure of the moment, Juan Marinello, Guillen travels to Mexico on January 19, 1937, to participate in the conference organized by the League of Revolutionary Writers and Artists of Mexico. Mexican stay had profound impact on his career, enabling him to interact with artists such as Silvestre Revueltas, José Mancisidor, Diego Rivera and Siqueiros. During this time, he published the poetry collection Songs of strong pitch for soldiers and popular tunes for tourists, with a foreword by John

Marinello. Also published in Mexico his poem Spain. Poem in four anguish and hope.

In 1937, civil war, he traveled to Spain to participate in the II International Congress of Writers for the Defense of Culture, held in Barcelona, \u200b\u200bValencia and Madrid. It relates the highlights of the intellectual life of the moment (Antonio Machado, Miguel Hernandez, Pablo Neruda, Rafael Alberti, Cesar Vallejo, León Felipe, Juan Chabas, Octavio Paz, Tristan Tzara, Anna Seghers, Ilya Ehrenburg and Ernest Hemingway, whom he met in Cuba), and Manuel Altolaguirre edit your Spain. Poem in four anguish and hope. Moved by what he sees and experience in Spain at war, Guillen joined the Communist Party, which militate until his death.

Back in his homeland, accompanied by Leon Felipe, your situation is not easy, partly because the Communist Party was in complete illegality and the enormous economic and political instability in the country. Between 1939 to 1941 the poet devoted much of his time to intense political and cultural work (in 1940 it has unsuccessfully contesting the elections for mayor of the city of Camagüey, the Communist Party Revolutionary Union), to Today's newspaper and the anti-fascist National Front, which was a leader.

In March 1944, José Antonio Portuondo, Mirta Aguirre and Angel Augier, Nicolás Guillén founded the magazine Gaceta del Caribe, which, despite its undoubted literary and cultural stature, barely enough to survive until the final two months of that year.

In November 1945, Guillen started a South American tour, which will be crucial both for continental projection to the further development of the American perspective of his work, because during his visit to Venezuela, Colombia, Peru, Chile, Argentina, Uruguay and Brazil maintains exchanges with the most prominent artists and intellectuals, and deepens his vision of America.

published in 1947 in Buenos Aires are full. Four years later, in 1951, publishes his Elegy to Jesus Menendez, a tribute to Cuban labor leader who had maintained a close friendship. That same year he participated in the World Peace Council in Prague and Vienna. The following year, he traveled to the Soviet Union, People's Republic of China and Mongolia. In Cuba, writes The songs of John Barefoot and publishes the Cuban Elegy, The Last Time Weekly, which works, he devotes a special issue to join in the celebration of its fiftieth anniversary in the midst of a political situation increasingly difficult for him that worse after the Batista coup in 1952 against the government of Prio, the circumstances on the island forced him to self-exile, for in his homeland would be imprisoned by the dictatorship.

In 1954 he traveled to Stockholm to attend the Peace Congress, and received the Lenin Peace Prize. In 1956 he traveled to Paris, Bucharest, Warsaw, Budapest, Prague and Brussels. In 1958 he was in Paris and in 1959 the revolutionary victory in Cuba catches him in Buenos Aires, where he had recently published popular flight the dove: he immediately returned to Cuba and wrote his sonnet "Che Guevara" for the weekly Purposes.

published in 1960, can you? In 1961 he performed in Havana Congress which founded the Union of Writers and Artists of Cuba (UNEAC), which Guillen is elected president, a position which they hold until his death, and through which maintain a direct involvement in country's cultural life. Prose published in 1962 in a hurry, collection of newspaper articles, reviews, and comments on various topics, and the University of Havana, Casa de las Americas, the National Council for Culture, UNEAC and others celebrate its 60 anniversary. Public Balada.

In 1964 he published his poems of love, and I have more Anthology in 1967 appears the great zoo, and in 1969 his Four Songs for Che died in Bolivia two years ago. In 1972 he published The Journal sprocket and that daily. That same year, Cuba celebrated its 70 anniversary with the appearance of the first volume of his complete works, and is awarded the Viareggio Prize in Rome.

In 1979 he published his anthology New major and two years later he performs his poetry published in two volumes. In 1983, Cuba received the National Prize in Literature, and since then she has been editions of his works and new collections of texts, such as All flowers April (poetry) in 1993, and America. Dreams and flashes (chronic), Cuba. In wing of our time (chronic) and Spain. The scope of sleep (chronic) in 1995.

After a long illness, death had caught him on July 17, 1989.


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