ANALYSIS OF POEMS Mario Benedetti Student Year 10 - 2005 - Prof. Cecilia Bruzzoni
The story is very simple you are born blue sky red bird that migrates
the clumsy beetle
your shoe crush brave
you have claimed for food and custom
liability cries
blameless until exhausted
dream disqualify you love and love is transformed
for eternity as temporary pride
until it becomes tender and heart
debris becomes
you learn and use what they learned to become slowly
wise to know that at last the world is this
at its best nostalgia
at its worst and always a helplessness
always a mess
----------------------------------- -----------------------------
then you die. Analysis
"Curriculum" by Mario Benedetti by Thomas Alexander Remon
In the poem "Curriculum" by Mario Benedetti, the author attempts to illustrate the stages of life by which every human goes through. Describes it this way by counting the events that apparently are the most important in the life of a man: The game and the courage, the demand for food, love, learning. To close the poem ends as all human life, when he says "then / you die" (Lines 30 and 31). The poem in its entirety we always expressed some stage of life, as expressed above, to form the subject of life and its stages.
First, we have the content that helps to illustrate the different stages of life. In the first stanza we see that it speaks of the first stage of life, birth and as a human being, as a newborn, is trying out different things that the world has to offer. To describe this, tells us how the baby shows, and you want to learn as this new world. Tell us what you observed in lines 4.5 and 6, when he says "blue sky red / migrating bird / the clumsy beetle." The creature seen as a first step of his life.
In the second stanza, he speaks of the action and a child who complains and suffers from food. Write this directly, by counting as "demands for food / and custom / liability / cries blameless" (lines 10, 11,12 and 13). Describe these problems to show that is a child, because it says that "suffering" but then describes a home situation, without much suffering. Moreover, to help to stress the insignificance of the alleged suffering counts as "the dream disqualified" (Line 15). A child learns to ask for things, as shown in the second stanza.
For the next stage, the author tells how the child, as did a man loves. Discover this feeling, new to him. Benedetti illustrates this idea by writing as a teenager who just discovered a love, that we may locate the person at the time. This is from the line 17 to 21, "love / for an eternity as temporary / pride until it becomes tender / and the heart prophetic / becomes rubble." The child, when he becomes an adult, he discovers love, illustrated in the third stanza.
Finally, in the last stanza, he writes how real adult becomes wise, after studying for many years. As we said, we can say that probably is talking about when This person has finished studying, or a couple of years later. We realize that for the special mention of the "you learn / and use what they learned" (22 y23) denoting that the Lord works and work "using what is learned" (23). Describe finally thought of a person who has lived many years, so it says in lines 25 to 29, "... the world is this / the best time / nostalgia / at its worst a helplessness / and always forever / a mess. " Here is how the person thinks about his life, which happens in real life. After that, Benedetti describes no other action of the person, he says as he ends his life, saying "then / you die "(lines 30 and 31), as in reality.
The text we can divide it into two parts: the first goes from line 1 to line 29 inclusive, and the second consists of lines 30 and 31. This division can be for four reasons. The first is the content. We have a first part that talks about the stages of life, and the second speaks of death. This also can argue with the second reason, which is the opposition between what he says in the first half and the second. Death is obviously the opposite, the opposite of life. This explains why there is an opposition between the first part. Thirdly we can see a syntactical repetition is discontinued in the second half. In the first we see the repetition of "you" as in "you are born" (line 2) and then the explanation of the action expressed. This is discontinued in the second half, as we see the "you die" in line 31, but we see the description of the action. This clearly marks the division. That is why we see the first part where the verses have a minimum of six lines and a second part where we see only two lines in the single stanza, the fourth reason. This separation helps the issue and that life itself is so, first is the life and its stages and then, separately, death. Also, in death you have nothing to explain, because it is dead. As for the external division of the poem, it has five stanzas, which each have more than six lines except the last. This division helps to separate each part of life for the reader to be aware this is becoming an important part of life and not be mixed.
Regarding the phonic aspect, we have verses of irregular, and the organization stanza we can see that we have a decrease of verses in the first three stanzas, and the fourth turn to see as many lines as the first: eight. This is to make contrast with the last stanza, which has only two verses. This helps to see clearly the separation between the two parties. As we free verse rhyme, and the pace we can say we have accents in the syllables 2 and the penultimate, which makes the poem flow more. Finally we can see several anaphors in the poem, some general to the whole poem and some specific to each verse. Anaphora we can see the whole poem is "you", as in line 2 "you are born" or line 16, "you love", which is to give emphasis to the importance of the poem are these actions place the man's life, helping to highlight the issue by highlighting the parts of life with the anaphor. Anaphors are also specific to each verse. The first is an anaphor of "the", in lines 4, 5 and 6: blue red sky / the bird that migrates / the clumsy beetle. " In the second stanza the anaphora is generated with the word "by", in lines 11 and 12 "and custom / by obligation." In the third stanza we see the repetition in the form of anaphora with the word "shall." This occurs in lines 17 and 21, "is transformed, love / [...] becomes rubble." Finally, the fourth stanza, this resource is used with two words, "for" and "as" the first in lines 24 and 25 "to become slowly wise / to know that at last the world is this "and the second lines 26 and 27" at its best nostalgia / at its worst a helplessness. " However, in the fifth stanza, there is no anaphora, and this again serves to divide the poem into two. It also serves to highlight again the importance of each stanza, helping to make it easier to understand the true meaning of the poem. How to close the phonic aspect, we have a syntactic parallelism on lines 26 and 27, cited above, to mark a very important poem, a meditation on life.
As we look to close several things, such as verbs. Use verbs mainly to describe a person makes at each stage, and crush a beetle or "the heart prophetic / debris becomes" (Lines 20 and 21) also have a couple of lines where you try to create an image, as in line 5: "the bird that migrates" or sound images, as in line 13 "crying." This gives more grandeur and beauty to the poem, and helps further illustrate the issue, because a person's life also has pictures and sounds. We personification in line 15, "until sleep disqualifies him." Fourthly we see letters in each verse speaks specifically to what, as in the third stanza: "you love / [...] and love / [...] until it becomes tender pride / and heart ..." Use these maps to create a climate throughout the verse that has to do with what mean in this stanza, and so divide each part of life harder.
We have seen the various resources used by Mario Benedetti in his poem "Curriculum" as anaphora, a division of the poem, using lines and correspondences among others, to illustrate and support the theme of the poem is the description of a human life with most important events of this and a final as life itself to death.
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