Monday, August 2, 2010

Song Finder By Describing The Song

Fernando Savater

ernando Savater Martin is a philosopher and writer born in San Sebastian, Basque Country in 1947. From an early age expresses concern about the letters and philosophy revolutionizing the landscape of philosophy in Europe when he published In 1972 two trials: Nihilism and action and philosophy crossed. Clearly influenced by Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche and Émile Michel Cioran methodologies allow you to reframe the discussion in areas such as his journalism, theoretical, pedagogical and literary. Savater cultivated various passions which he combines with the exercise of their intellectual commitments and its evolution as a thinker. Self-imposed exile in France during the last years of Franco's regime, their thinking is cataloged in a radical anti-authoritarianism. Near anarchist theory, criticism and alternative aesthetic concern with the social and political involvement has not always favored his image as a thinker and mythomaniac independiente.Cinéfilo pleasure as illustrated claimed emancipatory alternative modernity against suffocated by reason. Ethical concerns culminate Liberating Theory, criticism, culture and politics without ceasing to bring light and clarity to some controversial issues such as the philosopher and friend Antonio Escohotado about conflicts of self-determination for the Basque people. In 1973, the sophist appears Apology, title still reasonable Apostate (1976), Understanding Nietzsche and his work (1977), Pamphlet Against All (1978), Humanism Penitent (1980) and the piece that receives National Award Literature 1981, The task of the hero. This essay reflects the defendant's interest to free Savater ethics of the moral ties and set it as an open event, with autonomy. Author of novels such as Charon awaits (1981), Journal of Job (1983) and in tribute to Robert Louis Stevenson, The dialect of Life (1985), published as Last landing dramatic texts (1987), Cato. A Republican against Caesar (1989), as well as tests Invitation to disclosure and ethics (1982), the content of Happyness (1986), Ethics for Amador (1991). Savater is a professor in the department of philosophy at the Universities of Madrid and Euskadi, a task which he combines with his work as a speaker, a regular columnist in the newspaper El Pais and director of the magazine keys, the focus of intellectual and philosophical debates.

Savater is also a prolific author, which describes itself as a "philosopher of company" in the style of the French philosophes, not as an academic philosopher and capitalized.
Following Spinoza, advocates an ethic of love as opposed to an ethic of duty. Humans naturally seek their own happiness and ethics that will help clarify and display the forms of its realization. Ethics therefore should not judge the actions of abstract criteria unrelated to their own happiness.

His political philosophy has evolved from negative thinking libertarian, anti-progressive, which remained in the seventies to democratic individualism, social democratic, liberal and universalist in its later stage. The turning point of Savater mature young man can be in the task of the Hero (1981), where he writes: "I've been a revolutionary without anger, I hope to be a conservative without meanness. "is also often reflected on the role of religion in democratic societies today, advocating a secular model of society in its broadest sense, to help address not only the theocratic approach, 'but also the sectarian identity of ethnic, nationalist and anyone else who intends to submit the abstract rights of citizenship and equal to a segregationist determinism. "

Since the first coordinates liberal libertarian, then, has always been opposed to nationalism in general" Nationalism in general is imbecilizador, although there are mild and severe, the redneck's Alirón and you put the knife in the mouth to kill. There are people without knowledge of history, nationalism stunning and some are virulent. Fortunately the situation in Catalonia is different from the Basque Country, but that minority is an alarm that tells us that something must be done. Nationalism is an inflammation of the nation as appendicitis is an inflammation of the appendix. "

In the realm of facts, is opposed to those parties that make patriotic exaltation its main sign of identity. Its ideological evolution is evidenced by the controversy he had with fellow Basque philosopher Javier Sádaba, who wrote in the eighties the book entitled Euskadi: think the conflict (Libertarian Edic, 1987) while support by signing the legalization of Herri Batasuna to the positions, as defined by the same anti-nationalist, becoming one of the benchmarks for a sector of citizens of the Basque Country opposed to Basque nationalism movement that believes Savater exclusionary complacent nineteenth and ETA terrorism. Is defined as a belligerent against Basque nationalism and even vasquista, whom he calls a "kind nonsense", without renouncing to a Basque. [2] He is currently an active contributor to the Citizens Association of Catalonia.

Savater, who confesses to advocate for the English Constitution Guernica status and unity of the state (not as indisputable dogmas but as better choices than those proposed by its opponents), has repeatedly expressed its opposition to any kind of nationalism, and his desire to overcome the benefit of ideal shared universal humanity, and led to a world government body with authority over the governments of nation states, and serve to resolve disputes and carry out administrative tasks for common use.

sharp style, incisive and ironic Savater be seen more clearly in their articles, the genre he likes to write.


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