The Nona .- Tito Cossa Roberto
Roberto "Tito" Cossa: La Nona
This sinister metaphor of insatiable-old woman while waiting on the waiting list turn to address, like so many others, a boat ELMA load their belongings and books heading into exile.
La Nona: The matriarch of this family, controls all members this because of their character and their ongoing needs of food, that keep the whole family is always on alert and a continuing and getting worse, economic crisis. Is a strong-willed character, with an insatiable appetite. As main character of this work, creates in the audience, other emotions such as laughter thanks to his relationship with his grandson, chicha, which at all costs was "eliminated" .. And all because this old lady always gets his.
Chicho: Son of Dona Maria and therefore grandson of Nona with whom, from the beginning, has a relationship of unconditional love. This is a lazy artist dressed and thanks his "Nonito" and unemployment Caramel, is forced to work to bring money to his family.
Don Francesco: You will be served by the kiosk. When Chico offers Nona's hand he accepts, believing that the woman who is speaking is Marta, he realizes that he was going to marry the old woman had to give a false legacy and say that is so I was only 1 month old.
The story takes place when they are all eating at the table, and Caramel begins to review his book of accounts of the house, that's when informed, the remaining members of the family, and worrying deudosa economic situation. Carmelo
warns Chicho you have to go to work for some money enter the family. Chicho
talks with Carmelo and convinces him to take Nona doctor, to see how much longer you have left.
Caramel Mary and go to a doctor, who tells them that this is a perfect health and will live for many years.
Therefore, Carmelo Chicho insists his idea work, but this does not seem good, since it has never worked and is very loose.
Chicho has other ideas, married to Nona with Francesco and other income would not have to worry about Nona. Chicho
Francesco offers his idea of \u200b\u200bmarriage clear that this thought Martha would marry (he was in love with her) when she said it was Chicho with Nona's marriage, this was refused, until he invented a false Chicho heritage and added that to not Nona was more than 1 month. Martita
worked as a prostitute, but lied to his parents saying he was a pharmacist and had night shifts.
Francesco agreed to these conditions, clear that the only one not happy about the news was Alyuna, because when young, this would have loved ... and so far his feelings had not changed.
After marriage, the Nona and not only made life impossible for his family, but now also to Francesco, who was in ruins because they had eaten everything I had at the kiosk. Francesco
is invalid and old very fast, as it happens Chicho give a cup and send it to the streets to beg.
to all this, Carmelo had lost his job and was unemployed, the economic situation getting worse and had begun to mortgage and sell a lot of things around the house. Thus
is starting to become an alcoholic.
Don Francesco was, finally, the most money raised in 1 day.
Everyone in the house made a double effort to get more money including Anyul who became great by his piano lessons and every time I had more students in 1 day to bring money to eat, and what was worse, to give food to the Nona.
One of those days Don Francesco is not in the place where they left off, never was heard of him and lost that source of income. Carmelo
followed with their addiction problems and should continue to sell household items such as furniture, refrigerator and onto the bed.
One day all leave the house and leave a lit brazier in the part of the Nona, where she was sleeping.
Closing the door, rises Nona leaves the hearth in the dining room and begins to develop eggs.
Chicho, desperate, can not think of a better idea to put poison in the glass of the Nona, for this die at once.
The vessel takes Anyul, who died from poisoning. While
dies after Marta, who have told the family their actual work, they got her customers, all to help financially, so she is exhausted and dies.
Carmelo also dies due to an excess of alcohol in the blood which caused her cardiac arrest. Mary
cobra insurance and gives it to Chico to give food to Nona, and this part to Argentina to live with his sister. Chicho
only with Nona, reached such a point of desperation, because they were all dead or gone, and there was no furniture in the house and had to live and take care of Nona, who grabs a gun.
Aim is for Nona, but then repents and says to himself, pulling the trigger and commit suicide.
So is alive only person who made life miserable for all nearby, the Nona.
to work
Analysis Sets:
The set consists of 2 rooms; The first and most important, is the house which we can see the dining room, kitchen and bedroom Chicho, you can also see the clothes lying. It is an environment humble, no frills.
The other is the kiosk environment Don Francesco, in which the characters exchange some dialogue but still is of no relevance to the work.
Lighting varies with mood change.
Each costume highlights the character's personality: Chicho's lazy, sloppy, etc. and wearing clothes that are messy and not notice much out of the house. Martita
A highlight was much the costumes because their profession was totally worthwhile, and even if they never said the profession, it was left to the imagination of every viewer.
theater People: Roberto "Tito" Porteño
Cossa, son and grandson of immigrants italianos.Su mother had learned and taught guitar, but recently returned to the piano when she was widowed and the children were great. He grew up under the shadow of two paternal uncles, the youngest, René Cossa, became the first Peronist government and Outreach Director of Radio: "He led the parade of actors and stuff ...", Peronist acts recalls. The other uncle, Miguel Cossa, was also an actor and also belonged to the commercial theater, but it was funny: had their day when it was a character in an undertaker to which Juan Carlos Pinocchio Mareco someone asked him and he invariably responded: Blue was. René and Miguel's uncles were those who objected to the aesthetics, politics and ideology. "It is natural that young people rebel against their elders. Epic political theater, the theater of resistance Cuzzani, Kizarraga or Dragun, we replied with Naturalism. We put two characters on stage saying: Hey how you doing and thought it was total revolution. For killing parents and grandparents write! "
In this atmosphere of family tana, Cossa made public elementary school in Villa Park and Sarmiento secondary school. In reality only through the fourth year: "I was thrown for a joke. We had to write an essay for the October 17 was the anniversary of the death of Chopin. And I did, referring to the October 17, all a game between Chopin and Peronism. The music teacher happened to my composition the director, and director he called my father and said he had no choice but to lie down ... "He
year medical course at the loons and the death of his father should begin to work ... in journalism (like the character from Cichorium nona)
Clarin entered in 1956 and, simultaneously, began to do theater with a group of actors: "It could have been an actor," he admits - but I think it worked on me stage fright, the authors are acting cowardly. "
How did The ninth?
premiered in 1977. Because Alexander was actually born five authors cited Romay-Carlos Somigliana, Rozenmacher Germain, Ricardo Talesnik, Ricardo Halak and I, for a book on Channel 9 TV for a unit with the leading cycle of Pepe Soriano, who already had his character Don Berto, a little old Italian. For us we thought it was a woman, the ninth, instead of the ninth ... And I wrote it. He has some tics of my maternal grandfather who lived with us cocoliche and why they have the old people eating all the time ... I wrote in 1970, Channel 13 finally made two years later, I received only a few compliments. The issue came to the play. The premiered in 1977 and is still doing.
Throughout Latin America, Spain, Italy, France, Germany ... Recently released in Turkey.
When the time came he realized he had a successful play and a working group with the playwrights and Carlos Gorostiza Carlos Somigliana, and made no sense to leave the country. After the success of The
nona-that garnered a Molotov at the door of the theater and therefore more popular - was part Cossa Open Theater, a reaction of the authors tired, annoyed by a kind of official ninguneo in theaters, on state television in which drama schools. Twenty-one authors, all at once doing theater at six pm in the dictatorship, was a move equivalent to
rock and Humor magazines and Satyricon. After that, defeat came the Falklands by the 1983 democratic opening, and with it, its greatest activity. Gray had already written of absence (1981) and Tute Cabrero (1981). Then followed Nobody remembers Friedrich Chopin (1982), on the story of the secondary. And the wind carried them away (1983), Hand and foot (1984), The hoodlums (1985), and Yepeto (1987) another big hit made famous by Dario Grandinetti and still is in Spain ... Years passed and Tito Cossa is sticking to his line, between hope and denunciation: Penguins, released in 2001, speaks of the youth of today, he says, of the need to escape from the reality that exposes them to violence, of failure, marginalization. Posted by Victor
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